I need a leveling build. New to PC :D

About to make my first Character for solo on PC and never got past level 14 on ps4 haha. Looking to use a build that will plow through some story :smiley:

So first solo character on PC. No gear and I don’t want any gear from anyone. Just build advice :slight_smile:

I don’t think you can really go wrong with anything, and it depends on your play style and even then everyone has different priorities… however my first 3 points always go into Personal Space which gives you up to +54% gun damage the closer you are to an enemy (description says +36%, but it’s actually +54%). It’s a massive damage bonus unless you prefer sniping from a distance. I think this is Amara’s best tier 1 skill.

However if you’d like to do much damage with Phaseslam or Phasecast, 5 points spent in the red tree gives you access to fire element for your action skill. You want that, especially in your first playthrough, because it almost doubles damage against flesh targets.