Borderlands 2 - Krieg the Psycho

Borderlands 2 - Krieg the Psycho

26860 Psycho Master List: Build Collection
4802 TOp gear for Krieg
45889 [Build] Hellborn Krieger - Bloodlust/Hellborn
45928 [Build/Guide] Axeplosive Rampage - Bloodlust/Mania
287445 Starting out as Krieg - Some pointers?
73787 The Community Krieg Guide - All you ever wanted to know
25707 [DDD] Krieg's skills for you!
1553628 [Build] ElemenTitan Krieg
1641734 [BUILD]Bloodied Hellion
1051776 Melee/gun/explosive krieg build
1119575 The New Top Gear for Krieg
1640717 [Build]Explosive and Grenade Krieg
26882 [Guide] Krieg's Class Optimization Mods
1554200 [Build] Dreadnought Krieg
1218729 Seeking a good solo build
1553759 [Build] Torgue Toast (80-OP10) and the Terrahawk (UCP 5)
1818535 [Build] 999999K Grenade Krieg
1642646 (Build) Krieg the Immortal Gunner
1542530 Melee Builds for Krieg
82910 50 ways to keep Krieg alive in UVHM
1549021 [BUILD] Deputy Krieg, OP8 Psycho Build
1566701 Suggested krieg builds
45862 Buzz Axe Bombardier: This is how it works!
698178 Krieger's OP8 raiding build
573312 A build I want to share: napalm-k
1258090 The X guide on Hellborn Krieg for the new players
1134959 [Build] the Volcano
381784 Silence the Voices, yes or not?
1602054 Help leveling a Hellborn Krieg
1288390 Blood Bath Resource Guide Redux
1857227 Early Build Kreig
1638233 Jack of All Trades Krieg Build
281023 Need Help of Melee Krieg in OP8
1445943 [Build] OP8 Fire-Melee Hellbeast Krieg
368512 Which tree to go in first?
1557552 Can Krieg be played as a "Gun Krieg?"
654621 All class mods of Krieg max stats [updated]
4808 Blood bath resource guide
526044 Psycho Head/Skin Info and Screen Shots
465669 Krieg and melee bonuses
1563031 Aphel's Krieg Builds
1640226 Solo UVHM on a lv 53 krieg
566946 TIps for Krieg on Digistruct Peak?
1812957 Mania/Hellborn krieg build
80207 Self-Ignition Information
1539765 Light he fuse ... I don't like it
674629 [Build] The Lucifer Effect (lvl 72)
1558898 Bloodsplosion tips required
9582 Krieg's Rants Need To Be Fixed
1029170 Best class mod for explosive krieg?
1561121 That skill where Krieg has chance of hurting himself
1639974 How to make Krieg fun?
1128810 How to spec Krieg?
471261 Recommended spec and gear list for UVHM Terramorphous
1559568 [Build] Monstrum in Animo (72-OP4) (WIP)
318360 Level 72 Rough Rider
654007 The Look of BuzzX Upgrades [old forum guide]
1225216 I BURNED THE MEATSTEAK (My fav 72 build for Krieg)
392755 Pyro Pete and Bloodsplosion
1552391 Best gear for Bloodsplosion build?
1563583 [BUILD] Suicide Krieg (UCP 3.1)
2220 Build: Eternal War (72+)
1430829 2016 Builds, me struggling being a psycho
114604 Krieg vs. Hyperius?
523001 Pain is Power discussion
1515836 Krieg Melee Formula?
1166717 What gear should I aim for now that I finished my story?
1641904 Krieg's Melee Formula/Calculation
1004083 Unkempt Harold guide for Krieg
2920295 [Build] "Original" Bloodlust/Mania Melee Krieg
1463150 (build) Tediore launcher krieg
466671 Bloodlust or Hellborn
1640635 Krieg Leveling advices for a Mania build4.0k
1636219 Taking Krieg to op 8
263988 Pain is Power questions
238392 LF OP advice for Krieg
520451 Bloodlust Stacks and Durations
1553589 [Newbie][Normal Mode] I need advices on Krieg Builds for Pseudo-Solo & Coop Plays
133995 Flame Flare or not?
649931 Top sniper for Krieg: Volcano
1558484 Community Patch: Krieg edition
1924750 Krieg and Digistruct Peak
324146 Fuel the Rampage >:(
1285064 The role of meatman in BL3
487370 Love Thumper On Krieg
1131970 Best way to level up in UVHM?
83830 Hellborn Krieg questions
526238 What gear is absolutely essential for Kreig against Raid Bosses?
1515766 Krieg Rough Rider build?
133969 HellbornKrieg song share :D
1562588 Kreig op8 build help
2915168 How does the Bloodlust tree even work?
515879 Getting my ass kicked as Krieg--Could use some help!
366743 Damn you OP 4 Scorch
2832280 My Level 80 Krieg, thoughts?
497583 Hellborn Krieg build help!
2322290 Playing Krieg past lvl 50+
1587177 What is the best melee krieg gear
1542501 [Build] Shields up, Mr. Krieg!
687119 Stop hitting yourself
1551047 Krieg non-melee build
1641840 Krieg and melee weapons
1544626 Jesse McKrieg - The Law and Order Psycho
1150865 Krieg as first character?
88463 KRIEG Collectible Figure
284638 Kreig build advice wanted!
1506377 Stuck at OP 3 with Krieg, what am I doing wrong?
1545482 My Krieg build for digi peak
141245 Is it even humanly possible
83818 Explosive Krieg healing?
1561217 Not a viable character to take into TVHM for me
608927 Could Krieg ever talk normally?
2887710 Krieg OP 10 fix
618143 How good is Fire Fiend?
1559373 Digistruct Peak as Krieg
1504221 Dying so much in UVHM
1312024 Good leveling build?
1560014 New things I found out about Krieg
1547903 Digi-Peak Build (Discussion+Help)
1545478 1-800-N1PPL3-54L4D5 Customer Service
1167355 Butchered Pimp build
125323 Omen vs. Blockhead?
1042553 How to build my Krieg?
621111 Alternative top gear
1262095 How do I do Krieg's bloodsplosion trick?
1636418 Need some help with gun Krieg
1062676 Krieg Hellborn Buff
1652498 How is non-melee Krieg in UVHM?
1925061 Tips on Krieg and Digistruct Peak
1640724 [Build]The Outlaw
2861578 Blood Overdrive is hilariously bugged. (CONFIRMED!)
1558919 Krieg vs. Buzzards
1550959 Best Hellborn Raid-boss gear?
322025 Krieg build help
2357523 Understanding how Self Ignite works
1546901 Sickle vs Reaper
88771 Bloodsploding Pyro Pete
613502 Rod, top pistol for Krieg
1634473 In order to do the most damage is Hellborn/Bloodlust, is Pain is Power Necessary?
1856734 Tvhm hellborn build
1547651 Flame of the Firehawk fix
1561188 Krieg the Arsonist
504893 The Grenades (Quasar v/s Storm Front)
976275 Krieg post patch-
1560377 Some Krieg advice?
1549361 Let's breakdown every single misconception about Krieg!
1556102 Help - Full melee Krieg op+
424729 Kreig Feed the Meat skill
364116 Hellborn K suggestions
570261 Embrace the pain not affecting the buzz-axe throwing
1641892 New to Krieg, how do I make the shiniest meat bicycle?
134177 Where Hellborn Krieg fears to tread
1550093 Krieg StV self damage testing
652072 Bloodlust/Hellborn K
429 About the Krieg the Psycho category
45782 Viability of a resistance build
1557769 Silence the Voices theoretical statistical values
1563593 Kreig melee build......i require direction please!
1177416 Asking for advice on my Krieg build
1687949 New to game. Wanna Krieg
1641555 Kriegtopher Robbin and the Hundred Acre Peak
1540258 Leveling my krieg
1263121 Constructors and Hellborn Krieg
439048 TVHM Bunker/Snowman? (Level 48-49)
2832563 A bit of trouble with survivability
1063330 Tier 3 Battle: Twelve O'Clock High
2732189 [Build] Reaping Twister (Deputy Krieg)
665975 The Dream of a Krieg Cosplay
1556154 Need Help With An OP8 Explosive Krieg Build
2828706 When to go Hellborn Krieg?
582572 Best Launcher with Krieg is
1264789 Short Newbish Questions
1154424 Where to spend Badass Tokens?
2758222 'Buzz Axe Bombardier' Makes 'Fuel The Blood' Greatly Enhance Axe Throw Damage:
1642295 [Looking for Tips] My krieg builds, looking for some recommendation or insights?
2852902 How is melee krieg on op10
139404 For OP 0 to OP 8 : more health or more dmg reduction?
2830476 Best Relic for Melee Kreig?
115026 Bullet proof blood train
395604 Need help with a good krieg build
1561808 Bloodlust Hellborn
491648 The Infection and Thunderball Fists on Hellborn K
1222296 Best Krieg build for a level ~20 Krieg vs Bloodwing?
1562957 Friendly Fire Question
1546559 Any weapon effects that cross over to buzz rampage?
520001 Terramorphous with Krieg UVHM
1560055 Top build for solo OP8 TTAoDK
1924988 Corrosion weapon going into UVHM?
1045706 Advice on my krieg build
1547594 How i missed this character?
1639382 Borderlands 2 UCP - 3.1 Bloodlust/Hellborn Krieg
1767974 2 Tough Questions for the Krieg Players
231618 Anti-air for Krieg?
1349679 Sting like a Fire Bee
1539224 Making a tanky Shotgun build -explosive focused-
2027140 My Psycho build
2783473 Play Psycho is tired
1555091 Legendary Psycho COM usage?
1249893 (First Build) Krieg The Soldier- A gun-based build
1511902 Elemental Hellborn Krieg, looking for suggestions
84424 Krieg law+order bug vs Voracidous the Invincible
1061623 Silence the Voices and Fuel the Blood
1641276 Light the Fuse on OP8 without Community Patch
1562272 Post your Krieg here!
1745653 Resspecing Krieg
286969 What the damage of throwing axe relative to the melee damage?
282863 Seraphim v. Sawbar
1541437 Gun based Hellborn + Bloodlust help
1767696 Lvl 61 Krieg Solos Raid Bosses Using Non Unique Gear Only
331659 Best Build for OP levels on Digistruct with other players?
1269771 How to consistently beat Terra? (With Krieg and Gaige?)
319842 So who is this "she" Krieg refers to his Raving Retribution
1132629 Cooldown increase help - is this a gltch?
1553928 Apparently, I'm just not very good
291712 Fuel the Fire + Fire Fiend
1693975 Local Melee Kreig is Suicidal
1015710 Captain Flynt the INVINCIBLE
1598514 Hellborn struggling with armour
3671351 Anyone know if OP10 raids are still possible with bloodsplosion now?
2890364 Krieg Mechanics Reviewed
1547365 OP8 Vulnerable Son of Crawmerax the Immortal vs Krieg the Psycho - With videos!
937681 Is this a good tree build for a gun/meele psycho
1287331 Meat cycling to UVHM
120192 Krieg vs. Master Gee?
1560066 [Build] Psycho Slayer (UCP 2.1.)
1558945 Self Hitting: Does it break the 4th wall?
1685836 Anyone have a melee-fireborn build for level 59 with limited gear?
2748656 Chest on top of Coal Station in Frost Bottom as Krieg
1558805 Advice on where to take my build next
75385 K got a "new skill"?
1132575 How's my build?
1045773 #DOTs suck on OP8
135243 So this Legendary mod drops from the Warrior and I can't pick it up :/
1913706 New gripe: Krieg melee doing no damage to Crystal skeleton
113035 COM selection question
1897951 Shiniest meat bicycle
433472 Unusual K builds
1111919 [Build] Grim & Reap
1561281 Hopes for Krieg as a Character for Future Games?
1662993 Op8 Melee Krieg vs Opportunity
1640801 [Build] Group'n'Plode [72-Op8] (My First Post)
1558762 Does Krieg's Release The Beast skill boost his melee damage to 600% or 1000%
1559314 Krieg & Antagonist
217031 Krieg skill visual effects
1191184 I found something and I want to share it xD
1452458 Thing that gets my curiosity (about a Krieg head)
2878464 Chance to Self Ignite Formula (+ 'video proof' at 100%)
1562024 Krieg Help for Handsome Jack Collection
295267 Krieg v Voracidous OP8 Weapons Check
1217022 [Build Concept] Flame Flare
1531280 Just a self celebratory post
1557356 DIGISTRUCT POOP! [Krieg Peak Journal, OP2-OP8]
1558928 Spicy3some - a build for all 3 trees?
1265798 "Powerleveling" Krieg with Krieg
1602826 My guilty pleasure of bloodsploding has taken away some loot and enjoyment of other VH
2488563 Now with new level cap, can krieg still do his thang (bloodsploosion)? Why yes, yes he can
1199615 We're almost there
124297 Krieg's Fabulous OP adventure!
286911 OP8 mobbing WITHOUT the FotFH questions
307237 Hi all! New to Borderlands 2!
1137451 Explosive Krieg
1636772 Problem with krieg
2699269 Help with new Krieg
1554016 Krieg the Pirate
1754107 To PiP, or not to PiP whilst peaking
1696249 The Chaotic Barbarian mod makes Wound mod utterly pointless and obsolete
1554245 Premier Krieg youtuber?
1146952 Hellborn and loot midgets a bear
1638382 Pure Explosions! No StV, Firehawk OP8 Please Help!
681412 Critique my Krieg
1907923 My hardest run with Krieg
2890160 Raving Retribution mechanics
1640702 Old forum build recreation: Krieg COMPLETED
580276 Fan art on what would be Kriegs favorite gun? or just comment some ideas
1549911 How I would revise Psycho / Krieg's Skill Trees
322032 Krieg build help please
3641012 Krieg Nostalgia
673994 Many questions about K
317506 Just curious...Breaking Krieg?
113032 Krieg vs. Terra?
1545768 Dragons of Destruction lvl 50 Hellborn Krieg
1560763 Hellborn Krieg vs Vora?
2911478 Needin some input on x2 scorch with Mania/Hellborn
1370768 Gear for some nasty enemies
2052815 Allegiance Maliwan
1266355 Krieg Action skill
2951161 I made a comprehensive damage calculator for Krieg
289591 Krieg vs. OP8 Dragons?
2769366 UI lies about grenade damage bonus from 'Fuel The Blood' (better than advertised)
1843770 Possible use for bloody revival?
1555174 Op8 voracidous vs krieg in 5 seconds - world record
2361623 Krieg vs OP8 Voracidous in 0.5 Seconds [WR]
1543996 Advice needed on my specing please
1288570 Why is my FotF not firing?
278137 Need help w l. 72 Krieg solo v.Terra
2370274 Redeem the soul is dope
2965463 Hansome Sorcerer under 2 MINUTES!?!
1556749 Fun challenge to Krieg pros: BA Rex speed kill!
493070 Blood Bath's Grenade increase
1891378 Does the skill "Salt the wound" work with Carnage?
1641681 First Play through with Krieg
1554430 What if? Krieg secrets
1493115 Is this a good 'Firehawk' build?
387576 Bloodsplosion vs Pete
1012194 Looking for best mod for this build
4543437 New playa krieg level 32
1234709 Looking for input on endgame Krieg skill tree
317579 Still can't scratch terra on uvhm
4557465 R/F My Krieg Build
1629729 Consensus on longbow on krieg?
1688910 Does killing enemies with Maliwan pistols trigger Blood Bath skill?
373392 Borderlands 2 PS4
1561622 Does it need edits tell me
1639033 Mania/Bloodlust Kreig and Explosive Bouncing Betty
1555573 [Custom] 4th Skill Tree for Krieg the Psycho (SADISM)
613744 If Legendary Slab existed
1561225 Starting a New Krieg!
1640986 Does this still count as a kill?
1805957 Does passive pistol crit damage apply to thrown axes in BXR?
1513976 Stupid Question re: DOTs and Shield Regen
1552002 BL2: legendary Sickle seeks Legendary Nurse
1869584 Is this a glitch?
1119647 Mission - You are Cordially Invited
1845375 Krieg vs. fan boats
2681696 To the devs. Krieg's Raving Retribution
1919292 Baynaneted Burny Krigg
124886 Gift Krieg Steam?
1553913 My explosive fire krieg
1640824 Kottos Tackles the Arenas
1636172 Tediore classmod