Advice needed on my specing please

Hi all, basically I despise kriegs action skill, generally I don’t like melee, mortal combat street fighter type stuff. My krieg is explosive based, 125%. 33% fro skill tree, 53% from mod and 39% from relic. Ogre, carnage, Harold, fastball etc… is my gear.

If I spec points into hellborn skills, will this effect my build? Bare in mind I loathe the whole flame of the firehawk spamming, ive stopped that now, gives me a headache :frowning:

The idea here is I’m never activating the action skill, Please advise, thankyou.

fuel the fire and elemental elation for example, do these buff explosive damage? it doesn’t say anything about being restricted to fire?

Hellborn tree can give you buffs to damage resistance, gun damage, fire-rate, magazine size, reload speed, accuracy and healing, depending on how you choose to spend your points it could go anywhere from great to shi†.

Neither will buff explosive damage.

Fuel the Fire — increases the chance to proc elemental effects and adds a chance to self-ignite while dealing fire elemental effect damage to enemies (it can be extended to the other elements with Delusional Damage).

Elemental Empathy — boosts magazine size and fire-rate based on the number of stacks elemental empathy has.

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hey, thats the same idea I had when creating my build!

if you spec points into hellborn skills, will it affect your build? it depends on what you mean by it but
in general, yes

Fuel the fire is an elemental proc chance buff so it wont affect explosive damage(it will make slagging easier tho), but Pain is Power will affect them since its just plain gun damage
and since you dont hit crits that often with explosive weapons Pain is Power is worth it imo

Elemental Elation will also work
but you will have a hard time keeping the stacks up
unless you use a elemental grenade thatll proc DOTs

Numbed Nerves is an excellent skill for gun based Krieg provided you can stay on fire(again, DOT proccing grenades or weapons will help)

if youre interested in going hellborn/explosive I recommend that you check out The Volcano build

Thankyou nocturni, will check that out.

magic missle proc dots?

Magic missiles dont proc a DoT(Short for Damage over Time in case you didnt know)
They only apply a slag effect
Which can set you on fire if you have Delusional Damage specced
However ‘reslagging’ a already slagged target, unlike is the case with other elemental procs, will not set you in fire again

So basically you can only set yourself on fire once per slag duration
And since its not a DoT
It will not give you Elemental Elation stacks

Now if you spec all the way down to Raving Retribution
You could set yourself on fire with slag and let Raving Retribution proc and build up stacks
But i found it hard to keep it going

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