Spicy3some - a build for all 3 trees?


So i have been levelling up ma meat man till level 56, with this build:

I mainly play Mania. I also play in coop with a Maya most of the time. My question is: should i respec in only two trees (Mania and one of the other two) once lvl57 hits?

Use of skills:
Bloodlust: i mostly picked it for Taste of Blood (tanky through BXR, BL stack melee kills), and BXBombardyeah. Only 1 point in Fuel the Blood as my Sickle COM already adds 6 more.

Mania: odd picks, i know. I specced in light the fuse. What you need to know is that i have terrible aim and regular crippled state was awful early game, and it’s still a pain for me when toying around with my other characters; takes more time but does the job. Also yay dynamite :smile:
Redeem the Soul for instant coop revive, with LtF it has saved me and my partner waaaayyy too many times.
Tried to save points off Mania so i took off one in Strip the Flesh (didn’t notice much dif from +5 points) and Salt the Wound as the stacks basically never show up lol.

Hellborn: obviously for Numbed Nerves (Tankysteak) and Fire Fiend (self ignition through BXR), Fuel the Fire can be a huge boost too.

As for gear, i have three on-level high damage purp shotguns (Coach guns and a Ravager), i also try to keep elemental bandit smg and vladof pistol/spinigun for fast BL stacks.
My precious so far are a brand new slagging Splashter Blashter, which basically sets myself on fire with one trigger pull :slight_smile: and a slagging CC.
Got multiple types of elemental grenades including a lvl50 Bonus Package.
Been using a lvl 52 absorb shield to complete the Ammo Eater 5, for about 4 levels now, meaning i’m nowhere near fully optimized gear-wise.
My delicious Maylay with +32k roid damage is kept warm.
Using either Leg. Psycho or Scream Sickle (+41% melee, +5 StV, +6 FtB).
About Relics, as with the Shield, i have a +40%hp sleeping while i’ve been using VHRelic since day 1.

I tried Bloodsplosion before so i know it’s awesome, fun and overkill;
I also know i am not getting the most out of Hellborn either without Elemental Empathy and RR.

Note: my awaited endgame build would be:

Will appreciate your advices!
Take care dear pancakes.

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This thread is old af, but here is my end game build: http://bl2skills.com/psycho.html#50504010550150501015155150500110000

It is built almost solely around supplementing Release the Beast, but has a few things thrown in just because I like them (i.e. 1 point in fuel the rampage, because I love hearing things like “ShOoT mE TiLl yA lOvE Me!” And Fire Fiend makes your buzz axe glow orange, and that is dope af).

Also, I both noticed and appreciate your Steve “Heyo” reference.


Oh wow haha indeed this is old!

My Krieg is at OP4 now so i’ve had to change my view a bit - but in France one often says only idiots don’t change heh.

My new build most of the time is like this now:

I’ve had to put some more points in Hellborn, and since i now use a Rough Rider i specced into Embrace the Pain rather than Strip the Flesh; had to take out points in Bloodlust so i only have as few as you do in Hellborn;
I like your pick of Blood Trance, i always tend to think my rampages should last forever!

My gear is for most of the time:

  • OP4 Leg. Sickle or Leg. Torch (depending on what’s on the menu: chops or a BBQ?)
  • Lvl 69 Slagga (Bulets Go Fasterified, world drop): i only need a buckload of paint!
  • OP4 Blockhead (New & Improved, destroying everything with the Hellborn spec, even Loaders) / OP4 Social Butcher (fresh meat!)
  • OP4 Thunderball Fists / Gub (for elemental damage especially…and turrets and more loaders)
  • OP4 slag Topnea / Fire PBFG / Fire Swift Blaster or Sawbar (all deoending on my mood i’d say :slight_smile: )
  • OP4 Rough Rider (because Krieg)
  • OP4 Fire Bee (Ribberized) / Storm Front (Longbow) / Explosive Fastball for some baseball game 'gainst Giants :smile:
  • Vault Hunter’s Relic because yay loot (i also got a Blood of the Ancients +48% hp and +70% Shotgun ammo).

I think i should reconsider this build since you necro’d it!
I think thanks to all the DoTs Boiling Blood doesn’t seem as necessary as before for example; but i could really take some points off Salt the wound cause i still rarely see these stacks well…stacking.

Thanks for your input on my build mate! :slight_smile: