What are the pros and cons to each?
Thanks for bringing this one up mate, because I actually wanted to check what the running opinion on this was.
I like the Blockhead. Stacking as hell.
Never tried the Omen honestly.
The blockhead is a lot easier to use, there’s no required range
The Blockhead is easier to use at closer ranges but I would stay with the Omen incase they had similar dps since the limited spread makes long range shooting still possible. @BookEmDano might know more on this, if I recall correctly he uses the Omen aswell.
Not much else to add here. Omen hits harder and the payoff is bigger if you learn the range and oscillating pattern.
It also is important to note that the Blockhead is locked in fire while the Omen can be any of the four elements. The Blockhead is much easier to obtain as you only need to kill a badass creeper as opposed to The Ancient Dragons of Destruction, but it would theoretically take longer to get since the Blockhead has a 1 in 60 chance of dropping. The Dragons I believe are guaranteed to drop either the Omen or the Stinger on death.
Both work, Blockhead procs BB a lot more than omen does though.
That’s the major difference.
Or the Blockade.
Dragons are much harder to kill than a Badass Creeper however !
Eh I mean neither one is my favorite, I’d probably say the interfacer or conference call. But out of the two the blockhead is my favorite. Fun on krieg
After some testing, I definitely vote in favor of the Omen. The Blockhead just doesn’t deal damage. The pellet thing is rarely an issue–enemies are usually right in my face or very large, which ensures that all of the pellets hit.
It’s the system one since I can’t be arsed to change it. XD
Blockhead is perfect for Gaige. Fixed spread pattern, ricocheting bullets and 100% splash damage.
But the Omen is more rewarding
I figured that it would vary depending on who the character is.
Yeah, pretty much like this. I like to use the Omen with Zer0 because of B0re, Maya because of accelerate and Phaselock and Axton because it is an elemental shotgun with splash damage - win win!
I just like the Omen better. It does a LOT more damage, the spread is excellent for taking on just about any target. Even with bandits, at least a couple will crit, which leads to one-shots.