How do I do Krieg's bloodsplosion trick?

I’m trying to farm off of Pyro Pete (UVHM) and I can’t seem to get this right. I often do it by accident but most of the time when I try it only does a (tiny) bit of damage, sometimes nothing at all. Your suppose to group all the enemies up right? Hit one of them while their slagged and that’s it? Bloodsplosion kicks in and Pete should be dead or low enough health where you can just kill him on your own or one more splosion.


I’ve been doing this a bunch this week, after reading a thread about opening BOTH valves, which I wasn’t doing before, and getting poor results. What I do is hit the raid post, hit the spider valve, toss a couple slag betties, run to the rat valve, activate that valve, toss another couple of betties, run towards the awning/post, and usually, spider ants will follow. Pete will usually be near the rat valve. Activate the action skill, hit a spider, and usually that will do it.

Go melee, throw slag grenades, put the enemies in a certain order and voilá.

It’s hard.

Forgot something, go Scream or Legendary Sickle class mod

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You can also do this with an explosive build. Flesh crunch mod, and an explosive relic. Build your stacks to max level, open a valve (it can be done with just opening one), toss out low level slag grenades (bonnies or the like work best) like they are going out of style, let yourself go into FFYL (make sure light the fuse is specced), try to get the trash to line up to pete, blow your self up with one of the lesser mob. Some times it takes more than one, but if lines up, you can take em all out.


Don’t forget the following; the more you hurt the little bastards without killing them, the better off you are. Running around with a gun that can keep you on your feet while slicing away at their health (like the Heartbreaker or Rubi). The better you can get a nice Bloodsplosion chain going.

I’ve managed to take out Pete without even getting all of the Spideys in the action.

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This is super easy, I’ve done it literally hundreds of times.

You need the following:

  1. Scream sickle or Leg.Sickle classmod
  2. Rough rider
  3. Low lvl slag crossfire or bonny
  4. Something to build stacks with. I prefer the shock kitten but any shock or slag weapon will work.
  5. Explosive relic (optional, but it helps)

Start by summoning pete and make him chase you straight back towards the spidervalve. Once you’re at about 70-100 stacks run and open the valve.

Keep hugging the wall and work your way towards the rat valve, while you are doing so throw out grenades. The more the merrier, try to get at least 5 out.

Once you reach the rat valve you open it and pretty much stand still and wait for something to hit you so you can RELEASE THE BEAST. Throw out more grenades if you have time before RtB.

Now your job is to find the nearest purple spider and hit it in the butt. This works all the time all the way to op8 and never fails if you’re not extremely unlucky with the mob spacing.

Things that can go wrong:

  1. You’re to slow. If Pete released his Nova he will take the mobs out with it and you won’t get it. Don’t worry though you have 1 more chance. After that the mobs are to high lvl to get a consistent bloodsplosion.
  2. The mobs group to tight, or they are to far away. If they are to tightly packed the explosion won’t have space to grow, and if they are to far apart the explosion wont chain. If you walk in that quarter circle I described earlier you will minimize the chance of this happening.
  3. You are more then 1 player. If you have a buddy there with you Pete and/or the mobs will chase them and the spacing will be all wrong. It is much easier to do alone.

Good luck!

Edit: The important skills are:
-Fuel the blood
-Empty the rage
-Strip the flesh
-Silence the voices
-Release the beast

The rest is gravy. Allthough Blood bath is recommended since it will give you all grenades back as drops after the deed is done.

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1.Build stacks to 80-100
2.Lure pete to rat valve
3.Throw two slag crossfires at rat valve
4. Immediately open valve and activate action skill
5. Swing at first rat you see
6. Profit