Thanks to Mirrorada for the original list.
If you have a build you wish to have added to the OP please list the following when submitting your build:
Manufacturer: (name of manu.)
Type: ( Gun, Melee, Survival/Support, Misc/Boss)
Name and link:
Level of build: (please list if it is OP 8 compatible)
Specific Gear needed: Yes or No
Difficulty level: Low, Med, High
Here’s the code for easier submissions:
**Manufacturer:** (name of manu.)
**Type:** ( DPS, Tank, Survival/Support, Melee, Misc/Boss)
**Name and link:**
**Level of build:**
**Specific gear needed:** Yes or No
**Difficulty level:** Low, Med, High
Builds are broken down by their primary function. However, this does not mean that a build falls under the “Pure DPS” category is restrictive to ONLY dps. The tags are set up so that we can organize builds based on what their biggest strength is. This should make it easier for people to find a build archetype that they want to play with. Note: I will only be adding builds that are posted here. Thanks.
All builds are property of their original creators.
Type: Elemental DPS
Name and link: Bloodied Hellion
Level of build: 72-OP8
Specific gear needed: yes but alternatives are provided
Difficulty level: Easy(you have to be aggressive)
Type: DPS/Melee Hybrid
Name and link: ElemenTitan Krieg
Level of build: 72-OP8
Specific gear needed: Yes
Difficulty level: Medium to High (depending on adjustment to play style)
Type: DPS
Name and link: Torgue Toast and the Terrahawk (UCP)
Level of build: 72-OP 8, UCP option.
Specific gear needed: Yes
Difficulty level: Low to Medium
Name and link: Dank Rafft’s Hellborn Krieger
Level of build: 61-72 +OP8
Specific Gear needed: Yes
Difficulty level: Low
Name and link: Grenadier EXPLOSION Krieg
Level: of build: 72 and OP8
Specific gear Needed: Yes
Difficulty level: Medium-Hard at first. It gets really easy when you get the hang of it.
Type: Gun/Support/Survival
Name and Link: Napalm-k
Level of build: 72+OP8
Specific gear: Yes
Difficulty level: Med.
Type: Gun/melee/elemental hybrid.
Name and link: Monstrum in Animo
Level of build: 72-OP 4
Specific Gear needed: Yes
Difficulty level Easy with some medium spikes. Finding the specific gear is hard.
Type: Explosive DPS
Name and link: The Volcano
Level of build: 72+OP8
Specific gear needed: Yes
Difficulty level: Medium
Type: Gun/Rocket Dps
Name and link: “I’ll Make the Sky Bleed!”
Level of build: 72 +OP8
Specific gear needed: Yes-ish (Prefixes aren’t important.)
Difficulty level: Low
Type: Shotgun DPS
Name and link: Deputy Krieg
Level of build: 72 OP8
Specific gear needed: Kind of.
Difficulty level: Medium.
Type: DPS/Melee/Elemental/Support
Name and link: Jack of All Trades Krieg Build
Level of build: 72-OP 8, can be adapted to lower levels.
Specific Gear needed: No
Difficulty level: low to high depending on what gear you choose to run it on.
Type: Gun DPS/Survival/Elemental
Name and Link: Immortal Gunner
Level of Build: 72 - OP8
Specific Gear Needed: Yes
Difficulty Level: Easy - Outside the Peak (except Tiny Tina DLC); Medium - In the Peak
Type: Melee
Name and link: Dank Rafft’s Axeplosive Rampage
Level of build: 61-72 +OP8
Specific Gear needed: Yes
Difficulty level: Low
Type: Melee/fun hybrid
Name and link: Melee/gun/explosive Krieg build
Level of build: 72+OP8
Specific gear needed: No
Difficulty level: Medium
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Name and link: The Outlaw
Level of build: Level 72 OP1
Specific Gear needed: Yes
Difficulty level: Med
Misc./ Survivability/ Hybrid/ Bosss* (place holder for new image)
Type: Tanking/Melee Hybrid
Name and link: Dreadnought Krieg
Level of build: 72-OP8
Specific gear needed: Yes
Difficulty level: Medium to High
Type: Hybrid/Misc
Name and link: “Shields Up, Mr. Krieg!”
Level of build: 72 +OP 8
Specific Gear needed: Yes
Difficulty level: Low to High depending on gear
Type: Mobbing
Name and link: KIjackalLL’s Eternal War
Level of build: 72 +OP8
Specific Gear needed: Yes
Difficulty level: Medium
Type: Melee, fire, and survival
Level of build: 72
Specific gear needed: Yes
Difficulty level: Med
Type: Mobbing Hybrid
Name and link: Bad Touch Barbarian
Specific Gear Needed: Yes
Level of Build: 72+OP8
Difficulty Level: High
Type: Hybrid / All of the Above
Name and Link: Beast Of No Nation
Level of build: 72 +OP8
Specific gear needed: Yes
Difficulty Level: Medium
Type: Suicidal (UCP 3.1 or higher required!)
Name and link: Suicide Krieg (UCP 3.1)
Level of build: From 31 to 72 OP8
Specific gear needed: Yes
Difficulty level: Hard
Type: Extreme Grenade Damage
Name and link: 999999K Grenade Krieg
Level of build: OP0 to OP8
Specific gear needed: Yes
Difficulty level: Medium
DDD: Kreig’s Skills for you.
Blood bath resource guide.
Borderlands 2 Psycho Skill Tree Builder
Get your Build added!
You MUST have a thread or Google document dedicated to your build.
- A link to YOUR dedicated thread or write up on your build.
- Your Builds Name. If you haven’t come up with a name yet, it’s O.K. This is optional.
- What type of build is this?
- Is it pure DPS?
- Is it a boss farming build or one for a specific boss fight?
- Take a look at the different categories and pick which one best describes your build.
- What level is it for 50? 61? for leveling?
- If you’ve made it to this step, CONGRATULATIONS! No really, Thank you for reading this far.
Tips and Tricks for an AWESOME build write up
Here are a few key things to have on your dedicated page, thread or document for your build.
- Have either a screen shot or a link to a skill calculator with the build set up.
- Describe what the build is intended for.
- If your build requires or is dependent on a certain gear set up, list needed gear items, and if you can how to acquire said items.
- Be descriptive. The more information you provide about your build, the better. Describe why you’ve chosen the skills you have, why the gear or weapons you have listed are a ‘Must Have’, even videos of the build in action. Anything helps people make a better informed decision on your build and if it’s something they might like to try.