Flame of the Firehawk fix

Anyone got the “Flame of the Firehawk fix” for Borderlands 2 ? I am back to bl2 after a bit of hiatus but would love get that textmod which disabled the effect of the nova’s when the shield is down. Sadly, my previous installation backup didn’t work so I fresh downloaded bl2 but now that i have I can’t find the fix anywhere, any help will be appreciated !

Equip Rough Rider.

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Welp, i know Rough Rider is a alternative but just wanted to have some fun with FoTH ! :stuck_out_tongue:

This one?


I had tried this one, isn’t working.

There was a fix to the fix, but I don’t remember where or who exactly created it. A Google search for Flame of the Firehawk texmod turned up the one I posted, so you might have better luck refining the search.

What’s wrong with FotF as it is? :confused:

The constant novas can trigger migraines, insomnia, and sometimes seizures.


Yea. Although I got none of those listed syndromes , but constant exposure to Boom! Boom! nova spam surely makes my head hurt (espiecally if I am on a playing spree like 2-4 hours).


I stopped using it for this reason.