Short Newbish Questions

Hi there, just some short questions here that are not just about Krieg, but certainly pertain to him. Thank you in advance!

  1. What exactly counts as an explosion? (I’m thinking here of Bloodbath and Strip the Flesh in particular.) I mean, does a bouncing betty grenade which merely slags its target count as an explosion? Do I get a bonus (StF) for the projective from Torgue guns, or merely the tiny explosive AoE?

  2. I’m thinking of attempting to try out Hellborn, since the idea of healing and damage reduction sounds appealing. I would like to know how the damage I do to myself by setting myself on fire is calculated. Is that per-level? Or based on how much damage I do? Is it increased by skills which increase my elemental output? Can I affect it in any way?

  3. What exactly counts as a status effect? Does increase in my elemental damage output increase only the DoT damage of elemental weapons, or of the original projectile as well? Does “explosive” count (“does bonus explosive damage”) as status effect, or only DoT?

Thank you!


What counts as an explosion (Bloodbath: any grenade, also bouncing betties?)
What is a status effect (also additional explosive damage?)

For Strip the Flesh, it’s anything that says it does explosive damage, like a Torgue gun or an explosive grenade. For Bloodbath, it’s anything that counts as Grenade damage, like a grenade or certain types of splash damage from guns. There is a list of what guns will proc Bloodbath in this Krieg section.

It’s just the regular damage you take from being on fire like any other character, but then reduced by your Damage Resistance. So the more Damage Resistance you have, the less damage the fire will do.

Status Effect is another term for DoT.

Neither. It’s just splash damage.

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Bloodbath resource guide. If it isn’t listed there, it probably doesn’t process Bloodbath.

Sorry, I don’t understand this answer:

I would like to know how the damage I do to myself by setting myself on fire is calculated.

It’s just the regular damage you take from being on fire like any other character, but then reduced by your Damage Resistance. So the more Damage Resistance you have, the less damage the fire will do.

I do not mean how much damage I take when an enemy sets me on fire, but rather how much damage I would take when I set myself on fire. I mean: the damage done to me cannot be just a mirror of the damage I do to others – right? I mean, if I shoot a bandit and ignite him, doing say 100 fire DoT, and by doing so ignite myself, then I will take damage (how much? 100?). But if I hit him half a second later, and my fire weapon procs again, he would be taking 200 fire DoT for like 7 and a half seconds – are you saying that then applies to me? And if my Flame of the Firehawk ignites then 8 other bandits, I am going to take the damage I give them? That sounds really awful and counterintuitive to me. I had thought I get ignited just once, and stay ignited as long as my self-igniting skills proc, and that the damge I take by setting myself on fire and staying that way is not dependent on the damage I output…?

You take the exact same fire damage you would normally from being set on fire by other enemies. Not by how much damage you do to them.

THanks - And how much would that be? I mean, ignition can’t always be the same amount of damage???

The net fire damage I do is used for Empathy though, right?

I don’t know. I know the damage you take from DoTs increases in the OP levels, but I don’t have exact numbers.

Paging Dr. @xmngr. You’re wanted in surgery.


Yeah, it does. But higher is EEmp healing as well.
That’s why Krieg can tank OP8 enemies nicely

thanks for the mention gulf :smiley:

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Anytime. You are the BBQ man after all. :wink:

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am i?
i feel honored now

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Thank you one and all. I tried it out myself by speccing into Hellborn, and had quite a toasty time. Fun! When I hit 31, I specced back into Mania, and haven’t specced back out yet. I have to say that Hellborn was indeed a tiny bit more fun, but for a newb like me, Mania at 31 just can’t be beat – all I have to do is make sure I don’t die while rampaging, which so far has worked nicely, and start rampaging as soon as my health is low enough – so far, I have only hit FFYL once. I even meleed Saturn to death. So Hellborn will have to wait until I’m all grown up ;.) Thanks for everything

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Sorry, does throwing your axe during BXR count as "melee " or is throwing axe damage calculated differently?
Thank you

It’s about 60% of your melee damage, but it does get the buffs from Silence the Voices and roid shields I believe. @DankRafft should know more.

I can’t remember the exact portion/percentage of damage when throwing the axe but “about 60%” seems correct IIRC. Everything else is correct, too. Furthermore you get some utility by staggering an enemy with a thrown axe which is especially useful vs. kiting enemies.

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Thank you muchly.
Just so I understand and plan accordingly: Does it “count” as “melee”, though? I read somewhere that the game treats the axe thrown as a pistol (but perhaps I misread). I wanted to know if points spent in skills such as Empty the Rage apply.

If I’m not mistaken the axe I coded as a bandit pistol. I’m not 100% what that effects besides it gets dire rate boost from relics and the like.

Yes, it counts as melee and all melee damage bonuses from skills apply to it. The thrown axe is treated as pistol in terms of fire rate/throwing frequency. That’s it.

Yeah. Both the Sheriff’s Badge and Elemental Elation will increase it, right?
