Hi there, just some short questions here that are not just about Krieg, but certainly pertain to him. Thank you in advance!
What exactly counts as an explosion? (I’m thinking here of Bloodbath and Strip the Flesh in particular.) I mean, does a bouncing betty grenade which merely slags its target count as an explosion? Do I get a bonus (StF) for the projective from Torgue guns, or merely the tiny explosive AoE?
I’m thinking of attempting to try out Hellborn, since the idea of healing and damage reduction sounds appealing. I would like to know how the damage I do to myself by setting myself on fire is calculated. Is that per-level? Or based on how much damage I do? Is it increased by skills which increase my elemental output? Can I affect it in any way?
What exactly counts as a status effect? Does increase in my elemental damage output increase only the DoT damage of elemental weapons, or of the original projectile as well? Does “explosive” count (“does bonus explosive damage”) as status effect, or only DoT?
Thank you!
What counts as an explosion (Bloodbath: any grenade, also bouncing betties?)
What is a status effect (also additional explosive damage?)