Love Thumper On Krieg

Does He Get The Explosive Novas While He Is In Buzz Axe Rampage? Also, can the Love Thumper’s Novas trigger Blood Bath?


They can also set off barrels and hurt your friends, so keep those in mind when you use it.

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And prevents the use of a Rough Rider

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You really only need the RR in the OP levels because while K’s melee damage increases, his health does not.

I just don’t like roid shields on pricipal to be honest.
You sacrifice a huge ammount of damage mitigation in order to make a playstyle viable (for everyone but Krieg).

True. I generally only use roids for the BA challenge since K does so much without one as it is. But I do like the novas of the LT.

I can get behind the LT, I love murdering my friends…I mean I think it has really interesting gameplay :sweat_smile:

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The Love Thumper has a very large blast radius. When I used to play with a friend he would have to stand all the way in the back of the skag enclosure straight out from where the LLMs spawn for Doctor’s Orders. It also hits rather hard too if you get caught in the blast radius.

The memories… :smiling_imp:

I personally prefer the Rough Rider on Krieg myself. Tanking everything and spending a bunch of ammo on OP0 is kinda boring, but the various callouts provided by skills from all 3 trees makes up for that imo. I was inspired to try out the Love Thumper again thanks to one of Man Of Low Moral Fiber’s old videos, where he equipped his Zero with a Love Thumper and Rubi/Rapier combo.

Related to roid shields, the Hide of Terra is the highest roid damage shield in the game, isn’t it?, and what was the deal with the Bigg Thumppr?

The explosive novas do a lot of extra damage, and in an AOE at that.

That and the long recharge delay. On K, you could go from one battle to the next without the shield recharging in between.

For the same reason a lot of people use it on Zer0 because then you only have to strip your shield once in deception.

Yes the Hide of Terra has the highest roid damage in the game. It is also a spike shield and a nova shield as well which makes not having the roid damage bonus more tolerable on Krieg. As for the Big Thumppr I have no idea as it only appeared from the scanning thing that came out but I am under the impression it was an item scrapped in Borderlands 2’s development.