I am trying to convince myself that Krieg is a fun VH but so far i just struggle to even get past NVHM
he is just so…boring maybe it will get better later but right now i just feel like a overhyped version of Axton that relies on wierd gimmicks to be viable. Send Help.
Krieg is fun. Don’t compare him to Axton, the similarities end with the explosive strength. Krieg is a melee/grenade beast. If you want, I can make some footage of why he’s awesome. He’s a bit hard and boring until level 31, I agree with that. Once you can get Release the Beast, he’s one of the most fun vault hunters in the whole series. Then get Bloodsplosion and sit back while everything explodes.
You want melee, explosives, or fire? You want to never die and explode everything?
Krieg is a ■■■■■■■ monster to play. Also, just in case - turn your volume on. Can’t have fun if you can’t hear the ravings.
so should i even spec into hellborn when leveling or go str8 to rtb? but should i go into the middle tree when leveling up to 31 or something else?
I used the left tree until lvl 31, then respecd into RtB
Most people start in mania tree, since it’s the most forgiving of the early levels.
I always head for RtB first, but that’s just personal choice. Bloodlust is a solid choice until 31 too.
Here are a couple of clips of my gameplay I uploaded the other day. Nothing amazing or impressive here but you can see what Krieg is capable of.
Did somebody say EXPLOSIONS!!!
Krieg is very much a risk/reward VH. If you’re not willing to take the risk, you won’t get the reward.
That video is just a thing of beauty. Five self-hits in 6 attempts at melee, that’s the Krieg we all love
So it looks like the fun will start in UVHM but from what i see it looks very promising
Sure but he’s very good once you hit 31, just he gets better at 57 onwards.
Pretty much once you beat NVHM, he just gets better and better.