I just reached level 50 with Krieg and went back and did the Enkindling in TVHM, and wanted to give my new FotF a spin. I don’t see myself gaining shields, but yet at some point, it stops firing. I am trying it in Pete’s Barroom Blitz, and it does fire quite a bit, but I eventually it stops, and I’m pretty sure I’m constantly under fire. I haven’t specced into Hellborn yet, but I do have about +9.5 seconds shield delay. Does Rampaging reset the shield? Or something else?
thanks much
It stops firing as soon as it starts recharging. You said you have a long shield delay, but do you have that reduced by BAR stats? Did you spec into Feed The Meat (reduces delay)?
Yes, I have 9/5 FtM and 5/5 EtP. I can’t see why it’s recharging, unless those drunks in Pete’s are actually missing me.