Kottos Tackles the Arenas

Never done any of the arena areas with Krieg before, so i’m going to. Thanks to @IceCat763 for the motivation to do this. Only at OP0, he hasn’t done the peak yet and he will take me a while to get him to OP8. I can re-do these once he’s OP8.

First round of Finks up first.

And a very untidy (but let’s be honest, untidy is more fun!) Round 2

And Round 3


I should probably go and do these since I main Krieg! :smiley:

You are totally the worst influence! :smiley:


You aren’t the first person to say this to me, and I highly doubt you’ll be the last :rofl:

Anyway, here’s Round 4 (mostly ignored Buzzards because they don’t really count, they just drop off enemies and leave. Also f*%k Buzzards)

Silence the Voices killed me in my first round 5 attempt. And the 2nd. 4 hits in a row. Lovely. Time for a break because it’s doing my head in now.

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Won’t get a chance to watch the videos for a while so what great are you running? :slight_smile:

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I assume that means gear :stuck_out_tongue: Explosive stuff really. Kerblaster, Flakker, Harold and Slagga, Explosive Fastball. Although using Legendary Sickle for Finks (usually use Flesh Crunch) because I am using melee more often.

Indeed it does! My phone obviously hates me!

When I run melee Krieg (or any Krieg for that matter!) I tend to favour any level of decent delivery Storm Front - excellent for Bloodlust stack building meaning MOAR MEAT FOR ME! :smiley:

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It occurred to me that he should really have a grenades-during-FFYL skill, like Axton. That would be amazing.

I had an idea like that for the UCP with a modification to Pull the Pin: The grenade drops when you enter FFYL instead of on death!

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I thought about it, you could get rid of Hellfire Halitosis and move Redeem the Soul to that spot in Hellborn, and put a Krieg version of Do Or Die (Axton’s skill) where that used to be in Mania. Anyway, I finished Round 5. Just going to get the clip uploaded.

Edit: Here it is

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