Kriegtopher Robbin and the Hundred Acre Peak

I’ve decided that my toons will get their own threads when they reach a frustration point climbing the peak. With that in mind, meet Kriegtopher.

He’s just an average psycho with a crippling explosion addiction. The points in Hellborn are new because I’ve generally tried to avoid being on fire before, but Scorch and spiderant sappers convinced me it might not be a bad idea to branch out a little. He rocks a Rough Rider, Legendary Reaper, and a Blood of the Ancients for AR and shotgun ammo. Nades switch between Fastballs (explosive and corrosive) and a lobbed slag bouncing betty. Guns: Unkempt Harold (intense, I think), Slagga, KerBlaster or torgue AR w/o suicidal damage, and a Casual SWORDSPLOSION!!!. I’m considering packing a ravager to switch out with the SWORDSPLOSION!!!. The last respec got him consistently past Scorch, but I’m open to suggestions. Any way, I’ll be chronicling my successes and failures here. I look forward to your gentle, kind-hearted ribbing and advice as Kriegtopher stubs his toes on every rock in the road as he strolls along.


Two quick things :

  • the Leg Reaper is great but falls flat with bosses where you don’t have any punks to trigger Blood Bath. Having a Crunch around would be a big help.
  • the SWRDSPSN! is vastly superior to the Ravager in every way ( except self damage :laughing: ).

That makes sense. Would a Crunch with a bonus to Strip the Flesh be the best, or do you think there’s a bonus that tops it?


Strip the flesh all the way
Here’s his top gear just in case you haven’t seen it


Good call, Señor Pie! :+1: I read this before I started Kriegtopher, but should’ve thought to brush up before I took a shot at the peak.


Thank you @Jefe and @Piemanlee! After getting a Dazed Crunch com with +5 Strip the Flesh (Woo-effing-hoo!!) and +6 Blood Trance (not helpful, but better to have what you don’t need, am I right?) Kriegtopher took on the OP2 unlock successfully! He grew a little extra patience and paused between engagements, and did the Slagga-swap-to-corrosive moloko for surveyors, and then got a green Flesh Crunch (+5 Strip the Flesh, pretty and minimalist) from the pile of Wot’s digital ashes. Definitely going that way for the future unlocks, 5/5 Bloodbath works just fine. Go Kriegtopher!!!


Congrats! I was never able to get my krieg past op2 solo


I guess we’ll see how that goes next time Kriegtopher goes mountain climbing. Time to start the research… I can say that the great deal of text that Tannis promised me tasted wicked sweet after all of the failures that came before, so I assume that as far as I get with Kriegtopher on the Peak will taste pretty frickin’ sweet, too.


I love this stuff. See @paulothead post his build and having @Piemanlee and @Jefe helping out. Then, success! Good job community! :blush:

Edit: had to come back and finish my thought. I’ve been meaning to dust of my Krieg. I like all that was mentioned. made me think. I need a Crunch com. :thinking:


I’ve got my latest Krieg to OP4 right now- I can post his build if you want to compare notes :smiley:


Yes please. I’m not sure mine will hold up going forward, and I could use all the help I can get. :wink:

I may tweak this a bit going forward but right now this is what I’m using for the Peak (his normal build is Bloodsplosion/Mania). The gear is as follows:
Rapid Infinity (to preserve pistol ammo for the DPUH)
Practicable CC
Akurate Slagga
L. Torch
Sheriff’s Badge

All gear is OP4 except the Sheriff’s badge (level 50) and the MMx4 (level 72). Other gear is a slag Rubi, Incendiary and Explosive Fastballs (both OP3), an OP4 Homing Storm Front, OP1 Chain Lightning, OP4 The Transformer & Bee, OP4 Severe Shreddifier and level 72 slag Kitten. I’ve also got a few other coms as well- 1 each of the other legendary ones as well as some blue/purple Blisters, Meat and Torches. The main issue right now is that I’m relying mainly on RtB timing for healing (the MMx4 is there for grenade regen when needed)- a great way to survive any initial damage but hardly enough to tank out the main bosses or SBA enemies. My plan is to borrow the Community Day Grog Nozzle from Lord of Death (it’s only level 47 so it comes in handy for everyone) and try to Storm Front/GN my way thru some of the stickier situations…


How far did Bloodlust/Mania get you on the peak? The gear and build I’m currently packing with a Crunch com have me kinda confident, so I’m kinda hoping to splode my way to OP4 with some patience and diligence before I hunt tubbies, update my arsenal, and change build again. Thinking I would never willingly set myself on fire, I vendored my L. Torch a couple of months back. Kriegtopher regens nades with a 72 firestorm, and I’m not lucky enough to have a perma-Grog (but I still have the mission one at least). I am packing a Storm Front with the intention of trying to tank that way in the future.

As an aside, I’ve always read conversations like this one here on the forum and thought to myself, “You’re a casual gamer, you’ll never partake in the peak, let alone this kind of stuff”, yet here I am going back and forth with people who’s tips and comments got me through every obstacle I bumped my head against. It’s a tad surreal. I almost feel like I’m talking to rock stars.


Actually didn’t try his normal build for the Peak- Bloodsplosion didn’t seem as if would be of much help against some of the tougher encounters (i.e. Dukino’s Mom). This is almost the same build as I used vs Terra though, although the Hellborn tree had more skill points, the Bloodsplosion tree fewer…


What did your build pre-raid/peak look like?I had been feeling sort of invincible for the last half of the vanilla game with Kriegtopher, so I figured it was worth a shot. I respecced to take advantage of the free points the L. Reaper gave in Hellborn, but that was after several fails at unlocking OP1. After that OP2 beat me a bunch and I put a Crunch com on, which smoothed out the bumps quite a bit. I’ll see how far that gets me.

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I was able to take a Bloodlust/Mania Krieg to OP5 solo (I ran into a wall trying to kill Dukino’s Mom) using this build right here. Primarily went with a Slagga/Harold/Lyuda/Gub loadout, with the RR, Fastballs, and L. Sickle, which was pretty effective until the aforementioned parent. I think if I had bothered to go get a Rubi or Grog, I could’ve eventually whittled down Dukino’s Mom, but I kinda lost interest before @Kurtdawg13 helped me get the rest of the way there.


That’s almost identical to Kriegtopher’s initial setup except for StV and the fact that he was wearing a Legendary Reaper. I hope I have the same experience you did, but I suppose only time will tell. :slight_smile:


I second @farsight37 : it was always my intention to park BINKY at OP4 and I did it all with that build ( or damn near ). I did mostly melee with a roid shield / Rapier / Leg Sickle / Blood relic.

Although I don’t actually recommend this for you though ( I’ve had a lot of roid practice with Zero, Maya and Athena ), that actually worked much better than any other approach. However there’s no way that particular build is viable beyond OP4 ( StV self-damage at OP4 with a roid shield is pretty bad ). That’s the level that I pretty much tap out with Krieg no matter what.

Regardless, it seems that around OP4 / OP5 , Hellborn builds such as @Carlton_Slayer posted seem to take over. The annoying thing for me was COMs : I used L Reaper, L Torch, purple Power Toast, Crunch - it just became a big mess. All of them work, none of them perfectly ( for me ).

Gear was L. Sickle, FotF, a sluj Muvr, fire BotA, slag Kitten, Resolute Rapier, DPUH and Casual Swordsplosion- pretty much fire and explosions everywhere :grin:


I have been remiss in updating this thread. Kriegtopher unlocked OP2, as per this post in my favorite vicarious murder thread.
Go Kriegtopher!!!
Took a few stabs at unlocking OP3 today. Once I backed him off of a cliff in area 2, once I failed in the bonehead area (thank you, scumbag ion loader), and once to a rabid skag in the Scorch area after Scorch dropped me an OP2 Hellfire. I actually feel pretty good about this unlock, but I kinda doubt that I’ll have the time to actually complete it.

Unrelated, I put my pants on inside out when I got up, maybe that’s part of my problem. I’ll try pantsless and then right side out before the morning is spent.

Update: Failed again at Bonehead’s area. This time I failed to prioritize the surveyors. Next time, surveyors, next time!!!