How i missed this character?

played every single character…
always forgot that Krieg is a playable character
until i saw a video today of krieg using flame hawk shield
and hellfire

and everything explode…WTH!!


but the build i saw is very old

so please dear krieg fans

i need you to help me with krieg build :slight_smile:
is he viable at OP8?
does the hellfire / flame hawk build still work?
can he handle Raids?
how he handle Shielded enemies?or Robotic ones?

bottom line im HYPED ^^

I’ll leave this one to the masters -

Time to call in resident Krieg expert @xmngr and master of all things and stuff @Gulfwulf

saw another video this time with the Kittens instead of Hellfire
think my gaige got some Psycho class mods in the bank
and farming hellfire/kitten is easy…
so i can get the gear easly

I’ll leave the details to the excellent Krieg players Slif mentions but all 6 chars are viable at op8 and Krieg is so much fun to play. I normally hate melee chars and I love playing Krieg… He has several very different playstyles, all are awesome… One of the most unique chars in any shooter ever


Thorough assessments are best left to the experts so ill leave them to the masters of Krieg

But hellfire/fotf build should be viable on op8
Whether its bloodlust/hellborn or hellborn/mania
Although I think the Rough Rider may be a better shield for the build

yeah i also saw some play with the Rough Rider

just need some information on how strong this build is at OP8 because i dont want leveling krieg for nothing :<


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@hattieinduni might be able to help as well- she mains Krieg as well as Maya…

Well, I’m not a patch on Gulf and x (who is the man for Hellborn) but Krieg is definitely viable at OP8 and a LOT of fun.

I usually go melee (Bloodlust + Mania), but I have used Hellborn in raids and a Hellfire + Flame of the Firehawk + Elemental Empathy can get you through even brutal fights like the Ancient Dragons. FotF isn’t the only option for him of course… what shields do you go for, @xmngr?

Rough Rider works well for him with Mania, with both Bloodlust and Hellborn in my experience.

What level are you with him atm?
This is one of my standard OP8 builds, although I sometimes don’t go into Hellborn and put those extra points in Bloodlust / Mania instead.

In Hellborn, I don’t usually spec Pain is Power and I’m not too fussed about Flame Flare, but I adore Elemental Elation, Fire Fiend, and Elemental Empathy. Keep in mind all elemental guns complement Hellborn, not just fire.

Rough Rider. Always.

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“real men use a rough rider” - right Gulf? :grin:


Let me explain my self better

first i still dont have Krieg - i only got my Gaige .

i always thought that Krieg is meele only character.
and after seeing the badass Hellfire SMG build where everything explode’s i was amazed how strong and fun it looks.

i would love to get a build like that - lets say Hellfire with Rough Rider or something like that

but how we suppose to handle things like Robots ?
or Shields for example ? does the fire DOT strong enough to get Shields down ?

you say that Hellfire / Rough Rider can solo things like Ancient Dragons o.O ?! if this is true i might start Krieg the moment i get home!

a Build that can handle Mobbing and raids ? and its super fun ?! IM IN :smiley:

At least the build I use is more for mobbing than raiding

Run with Hellfire and Rough Rider

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I feel like I should just add this little tidbit in.

Krieg is phenomenal in multiplayer OP8.

14 second kill skills for the party.


I actually played with an Axton who resented the Reaper boost. They claimed it threw off their usual combat pattern. I was unimpressed.

I’ve found Krieg can sometimes be a challenge in multiplayer (except with Maya, those two together are astounding. I did the Badass Magic Slaughter no guns with a Maya once :heart_decoration:). Anyway melee Krieg needs his bloodlust stacks, he also needs kills, and both of those can be stolen by a good team. I had to do some serious negotiation to persuade people that it would be better for everyone if they let Krieg have his kills. But with some effort and coordination it can be great.

OP, there is lots of great endgame widsom on this forum but my advice for starting is grab an axe, take your shirt off, and just dive in.

I prefer to go down the Mania tree when I start out as that can be a hell of a lot of fun, though Bloodlust can make you deadly too.

I tend not to start with Hellborn as it can be quite dangerous to set yourself on fire when you don’t have much health, and enemies at the start are fire resistant (plus you don’t usually get other elements till a bit later in the game).


I can definitely see your point about the danger with low kill count, but I’d found that save very rare situations, there were plenty of instances (especially in slaughters) where I could maintain it simply by targeting potential weak enemies, my team coordinated simply; aim for the big, let the Krieg chain BS when he can.

It is definitely a GREAT combo with Maya, but it worked surprisingly well with Zer0 too.

Very true.


Shields arent really too big of a problem even in late game
You can carry a shield stripper(a shock grenade or a shock gun)
And if your gun is powerful enough and your enemy is slagged
Heck you could just shoot your fire gun and the shield wont take too long(unless its a boss)

As for robotic enemies
Carrying around a corrosive weaponry is recommended

Hellborn tree does have some fire related focus
But its still more of a general element/dot proccing skilltree than a pure fire skilltree
Theres no reason to be stuck with pure fire :slight_smile:

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This can give me the ■■■■■ sometimes lol, when some Gunzerking dckwad just runs in front of me killing everything like the wnkstain he is, ARGH! He is great with Maya too, or Quasar spammers, Quasar spamming Mayas are the tits! When they set up the mobs for me and I room-clear with one kill and a Bloodsplosion chain, ahh life is good at that point!

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Because I love to help people but also because I can’t resist a chance at self-promotion, hopefully this will convince you to start playing the meatman ASAP - OP8 Vulnerable Son of Crawmerax the Immortal vs Krieg the Psycho - With videos!

I’d like to point out that I’m still fairly new to Krieg and the guys I tagged here helped me with my mobbing spec a couple of weeks back which eventually led me to this, I’ve sped up this kill since by changing gear and skills but I’m not about to spam upload videos of the same kill.

Thanks every1
i will start Krieg and once im high enough and builds/gear matters ill start asking more questions ^^