So I’ve been taking Krieg through UVHM, and I’m dying a lot more than I want to be. I believe my equipment is not bad, it’s just my playstyle, so I wanted to ask some questions.
I tend to enter an area by tossing in a lot of Storm Fronts (they are still level 50, so I have to throw quite a lot), then lighting just a few enemies on fire. I then leave them as “health packs” through Elemental Elation, and take out everyone else. Is this a good way to approach a battle? I sometimes get overwhelmed very quickly, but I don’t know how else to keep my health up while in combat.
What kinds of grenades should I be looking for other than Teslas? My main priority is just keeping Elemental Elation up.
Your link isn’t working for some reason, but it could just be the site’s temporarily down.
Anyway, what level are you?
What gear outside of the SF are you using?
As far as grenades, a SF is one of the best, but if it’s 5 or more levels below you, it’s time to find something else. Pretty much any Vladoff grenade would work well., Hyperion singularities work great too because they allow you to control the battlefield. I’d go with slag for Hyperion and shock for Vladoff.
Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed unless you’re using an on-level or close to level FotFH. With a Moxxi weapon and EE, there isn’t much that can one-shot you provided you’re very careful.
Are you slagging enemies? Slag is an indispensable tool in UVHM, greatly increasing one’s DPS. As @Gulfwulf said, SFs are one of the best, with slag Singularities coming in a close second. Slag Singularities set up easy Bloodsplosion chains when mobbing. If you need a bigger pull, Quasars work well. Magic Missile (found in Tina’s DLC) is another amazing grenade, as it launches 2-4 enemy-seeking slag projectiles. Situational grenades like Bouncing Betties should also be considered.
If you don’t yet have it, I strongly suggest picking up Delusional Damage, and then attacking enemies with whatever they’re weak to. It’s a lot stronger than trying to, say, light Loaders on fire. It shouldn’t be too hard keeping Elemental Elation up, though I have a feeling you mean Elemental Empathy.
No need to spam Storm Fronts as they can hurt you if you’re not careful. Let your guns do most of the talking. Pick up a Good Touch from Moxxi if you don’t have a Hellfire as it has a really high Burn Damage that can create a lot of healing through Elemental Empathy. Swap to it, stack DoT then swap to a stronger weapon to finish. Just make sure you slag for three times the damage and healing.
it’s not like a slag Pimp wouldn’t deplete shields in one shot anyway as well as weapons like the Harold or Swordsplosion (even without slag)… Incase you’re really worried about shield-stripping you should look for a Twister, the thing is that it also frequently kills the target aswell.
lv. 50 Slagga (accelerated prefix)(I just use this to slag, not to shoot enemies)
lv. 60 purple incendiary Hyperion shotgun (Hyperion barrel, Practicable prefix)
lv. 56 corrosive RokSalt (practicable prefix)
lv. 59 purple shock Vladof AR (Wild prefix)
lv. 50 Rough Rider shield
lv. 50 Razed Toast COM (+6 Elemental Elation, +5 Fire Fiend)
lv. 58 green longbow Vladof Tesla (0.0 fuse time, lucked out)
lv. 59 fire Bone of the Ancients relic
I found a Legendary Psycho COM at level 57 as well. I’m eschewing Moxxi weapons, as I am a recent convert to the philosophy that they are completely unnecessary if you play your character right.
[Build.][1] How’s it look? How’s my equipment look?