Where Hellborn Krieg fears to tread

I was playing through the game as OP8 Hellborn Krieg and I found that the way to the BUNK3R is really difficult for hellborn krieg! Especially the 2 turrets on the wall after the mortar area, they fire faster than how Eminem raps and even I slag it and switch to corrosive kitten the health bar just won’t move at all :frowning: Any help please :frowning:

Hornet or Plasma Caster are my preferred weapons for dealing with those turrets. I always felt like their health regen was bugged because it was quite ridiculous.

Then there is the Super BA Constructor to greet you up top. Yay!

I would recommend any good corrosive shotgun such as a CC or interfacer as they tend to work best on robutts. To deal with the Super Badass I would throw down as many storm fronts as possible and wait for one of the turrets to die to proc BB then proceed to melt it.

Goooood call.

I use the Hornet for all heavy firepower armored enemies in DP.

I can keep a safe distance, and still pummel them.

Imho, fire damage is just not enough to deal with armored enemies, even with all of Krieg’s fire boosts and skills. Rough Rider is the surefire way to give yourself enough survivability against armored enemies. Flame Of The Firehawk is super fun against flesh and shielded enemies tho.

You should read the tool tips for Delusional Damage and Elemental Empathy, both of them proc off of all elemental damage, not just fire

Edit: I can read I promise

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Don’t forget Fuel the FIre, it’ll process off of corrosive and shock (and maybe slag) kills as well.

I thought that was just a regular kill skill, do you have to get the kill with elemental damage?

No. Sorry, I meant it’ll increase the elemental effect chances of corrosive and shock. It’s a shame it doesn’t apply to damage as well. :dukesad: Still, with Delusional Damage, you have a great chance of setting yourself on fire with any DoT effect, not just fire.

Ah, alright, thats what I thought, and yeah, if it applied to damage that would be awesome, esp. for a first tier skill.

I know that, but when I fight flesh enemies with the Firehawk, I just hold a slag gun, preferably a Rubi or Grog Nozzle, slag shielded enemies and tougher enemies, and let the Firehawk novas do the rest. Since I cannot do that while fighting Loaders, the Firehawk is not worth using to me, and the Rough Rider, while boring, is much more practical.

I mean, you could just swap for a corrosive kitten or some such weapon and leave the FotFH on, even if the damage is reduced, free heals are free heals

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I’d use a longbow slag bouncing betty/biddy with a 0.0 fuse time and a corrosive Rubi and just go to town. Between the Rubi and the Firehawk, you shouldn’t want for healing.

If you’re making the most of Elemental Empathy on Hellborn Krieg then you won’t need a Moxxi weapon outside of showdowns with Constructors and other DoT resistant ■■■■■■■■. But that’s what RtB is for.

I go Storm Front and Hellfire in that case for healing.
Armored enemies and loaders I go Omen, for Buzzards and surveyors I go CC.

Gulf, K also sets on fire with Slag.

I guess I should qualify everything I’ve said in this thread, and about hellbon Krieg by saying that everything I know about hellborn Krieg is based on stuff that I have read on this forum and applications of general game mechanics.