Yah, this one is serious. I’ll take him through OP’s and things like that.
Cut to the chase, I’m dying a lot, since I’m used to Mania/Bloodlust K. Should I rely on Elemental Elation?
Is there some way to make him more resistant to damage?. All feedback is welcomed, as always
Probably is there a better build than mine, since I already said, I almost play Bloodlust-Mania
Weapons: 60 Slagga, 65 Hellfire, 67 Corrosive CC, 66 Fire CC
Gear: 64 Rough Rider, 64 purple Stockpile relic (AR+SMG+Shotty), 65 Storm Front, 67 purple Power Toast.
You need to at least max out BBB. The more Burn Damage you can generate the greater the healing. Since you’re going with the Rough Rider no reason not to take Embrace the Pain for that constant +35% fire rate. I’d also get a Vitality relic or Blood of the Ancients on for health stacking. You absolutely need that buffer.
I use this with a L. Torch com. Primary weapons are elemental Butchers in three slots and a weapon of choice in the 4th. Slagging is done primarily by a low level slag Bouncing Betty and restocked by a Magic Missile grenade mod while the shield is the RR…
Well, just to let you know. Running DP with this buddy. Borrowing stuff from my backpack chars.
Died twice, in OP1 to 2 and OP4 to 5. Errors mainly, but goes well by now.
If you want to focus on hellborn, forget about melee, go gun crazy instead.
5 pts each to blood fueled gun and twitch
5 pts blood bath.
Feed the meat 5
Embraced the pain 5
Strip the flesh 5
Salt the wound 5
Fueled the fire 3
Numb nerves 5
Pain is power 5
Elem elation 5
Elem delusional 1
Flame flare 2
Elem empathy 5
Retribution 1
shotguns are best cc is great, blockhead, omen
Hellfire is.great, plasma casters
Rubi and grog.
Bones of ancient best.
Rough ride is great
Try to farm a leg reaper as plus 5 blood bath on top of 99% kill skill duration is unbeatable.
Fire and cor are his best elem for dps and healing.
This build at lvl 72, you are godlike, at op8, you seldom ffyl. highest dps for gun crazy krieg.
The trick, proc blood bath often. Leg reaper is key.
I ran DP a Bloodlust-Mania with a Reaper long time ago. Was quite badass.
To me is important to max BL stacks so I can wipe huge mobs in a second (with Bloodlust/Mania)
Found a tubby now I’m using a Legendary Torch.
Yeah, Hellborn K noob got wasted like 5 times xD
It seems I need some buddies…
Answering to myself. Beat OP7.
This guy is OP8 now after whole freakin morning.
Now beat OP8. This may take a while.
Update on this stuff. OP8 Beaten.
This buddy is OP8 now officialy.
@BookEmDano uses a RR on his melee/hellborn and says it’s pretty tanky so I don’t see why you couldn’t swap the FotFH out with it. I like the RR on Krieg, especially in the OP levels. The Hawk is nice, but if you’re already doing a lot of elemental damage, you really don’t need it.
Congrats on op8’ing with a melee-psycho and even more if using a hellborn-mania spec, op7 was the farthest I’ve got without resorting to bee-pimping/hawking to speed up 50-minute long solo runs…