Op8 Melee Krieg vs Opportunity

Yes it could of went better. Also note I am running both UCP and uvhm+ difficulty mod so enemy health, enemy health regen and enemy damage may be different vs vanilla.

Only thing I am wondering is how should I tackle Super Badass constructor 3.0


Those stomp-novae make it damn near impossible to face-tank them , so pretty much as you did : melee a small target to get Fuel the Blood to amp up Buzz Axe Bombadier and chuck away.


True, i was attempting to bloodsplode using a fastball off the turrets like I would do for bunker/saturn but the dots are to quick to down me.

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I’d think you’d need a pretty good cluster of enemies close to the constructor to get ‘splosion to work at that level. That would be tough to wrangle. Be cool to manage though.


Yeah iirc, that Bastard has 95% grenade splash resistance…i love how we have a skill (bloodsplosion) that has a undefined/infinite damage potential, that can instagib raid bosses, saturn and other things, it just tickles this stupid fat robot…sigh

Sorry had to vent LOL.


i face tank them with a corrosive kitten or a hail.


I was able to but I used CE to inject more spawns. In the normal game there aren’t enough enemies I can get around the SBA constructor without the constructors rockets or nuke blowing them up. But vorac dropped me a corrosive interfacer…soo I can use BB and wreak him.

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