Just a self celebratory post

yeah…I forgot to capture the text
how stupid of me

anyhow I found a bit of time and after being at OP5 for so long
I finally reached OP8 with Krieg Solo just now

soo yeah just gonna write my build/gears here for like how theres the hall of fame thing after beating the champion in Pokemon :stuck_out_tongue:
as Tannis says,
Prepare for a great deal of text

so the build: http://bl2skills.com/psycho.html#55000500055100550104000052550103041
not the most usual build I guess
a Variant of the Volcano build
(although I didnt know it had existed before I completed the gist of my build, it gave me help in refining it)

and now for Gears Used in the peak:

main gear:

Casual SWORDSPLOSION!!! as the main damage dealer+my favorite weapon in the game

Bulets Go Fasterifed Slagga as Primary slagging tool(I didnt like the slow swap speed of Pimpernel and the arc+slow projectile of Grog Nozzle)

Evisceration Grog Nozzle as secondary slagging tool+Healing…sth I will definitely try not to use when I’m doing regular mobbing

Slippery Kerblaster as guaranteed Blood Bath Proc machine+killing surveyors

Rough Rider as giver of more health for Krieg

Legendary Reaper as the perfect Class Mod for the build

Longbow Quasar as Inflammation(setting myself on fire)+Crowd Control+Healing+Grouping up enemies(basically all-purpose) gadget

Explosive Relic as EXPLOSIONS

Secondary Gear: Practicable Conference Call as Saturn/OMGWTH killer

Quick Drawler Badaboom(Explosive and Corrosive) as Blood Bath Proc machine against OMGWTH+occasionally getting out of FFYL

DPUH as Scorch/Dukino’s Mom killer

Twin Hornet as occasional Surveyor killer

Longbow Storm Front as heal+Inflammation against bosses

Corrosive Bone of the Ancients as Saturn/OMGWTH killer

Tertiary Gear:
Blood of the Ancients as More health+more ammo giver for Scorch fight on OP5 Peak only
Slippery Ogre as replacement for DPUH OP5 scorch fight when I had run out of ammo
Rabid Hail as Moxxie weapon in the first fight against OMGWTH(which didnt go well)
Hefty Plasma Caster(Corrosive) as Oney killer in OP6 peak
Hefty Baby Maker(Explosive) as a single Badass Marauder killer in OP8 peak
Casual Flakker as TNK killer in the early OP levels(I stopped using it cus my build was suited for longer range than the Flakker range)
Gentle Blockhead as Oney Killer in the early OP levels

yup now its finally done and I can rest easy…or create more Kriegs to run the peak with :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S. my first fight with OMGWTH didnt go so well but after that I just procced Blood Bath with Badaboom and sprayed the Conference Call and it died so easily…does OMGWTH have splash resistance? if thats the case that may be why…


congrats man :smiley:

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Nice work bro!

Awesome, beating OP8 digistruct without using the bee at any point (even as just a boss killer) is an accomplishment and using a non-standard build makes it even sweeter

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Thank you everyone for the congratulations

Yeah i do take pride in the fact that its an unconventional build
I regret I had to use the Grog tho
Since i try to avoid it as much as I can
(maybe I couldve used sth else like a Slow Hand;I never tried cus I just needed a Moxxie weapon and the only slag moxxie weapon i found in my inventory was the Grog)

Its really hard to use the Bee with Krieg anyway
And hellborn Krieg at that too
Even slagging enemies may set you on fire and prevent the amp damage
I find it much more convenient on Krieg to rely on Blood Bath to kill bosses :slight_smile:

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Quick question, Whats your favourite character in BL2 and why?

Krieg ofc :stuck_out_tongue:
Why? Insanity+Chaos ftw
Plus he has a lot of gimmicks(both gameplay wise and character wise) and i like that

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wow, impressive dude. anyone who can solo op8 digi peak is an elite, has to be the most difficult maps, mission in any game period, 1 life and ith krieg, damn bro, my hat off to you!

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Took me a lot of patience to do that xD

nah im not really ‘elite’ level
not so good aim+ I like playing pretty recklessly as well
so its just that Krieg fits my playstyle well :stuck_out_tongue:
besides I still had to use the grog so theres still room for improvement

still, thank you for the compliment
I appreciate it a lot :slight_smile:

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