Hello guys, i have been struggling with OP2 for a while. After a lot of reading i have found some builds that are looking helpful, but did not want use a copy paste build then i have come up with an idea which i want to share with you all. It is not a complete build now but looked viable to me.
Here are the skill choices for anyone want to check and leave without reading much:
I am not actually that eager to explain whole build but i want to speak about key differences from other builds.
1.No Bloodsplosion : Because there are not that much of enemy density it looked like losing its strength in digi peak so i left it.
2.Fire Fiend: Since we have no Nerveous Blood a bit reload speed doesn’t hurt(actually i am not sure about it maybe it can be changed for Pain Is Power) and accuracy is kind of a damage boost more you send your bullets to your target more you do damage.
3.Mania+Hellborn: Gun damage provided by bloodlust actually doesn’t require you to go down that deep into this tree so combining it with more gun power is always good.For Mania it is your get out of jail free card for bosses or bigger enemies also it looks good for mobing between bosses.
I will go over it quickly
Hyperion Shotguns (Hyperion barrel+Hyperion Stock)
Purples/Interfacer/Butcher/Hearthbreaker/Blockhead/Omen/Conference Call
3 different elements(or 2 with a Shock Grenade)
Topnea/Norfleet for getting up or peeling Surveyors
Florentine/slaga:For slag and swap
Rough Rider/Flame Of The Fire Hawk:
For obvious reasons one of two
Legendary Reaper is go to for this build coupled with Legendary Sickle
Changing Relics for matching weapons would be good or you might get use out of
deputy’s badge, Blood Of The Ancients also looks good.
Fastball: Huge damage with matching relics, also best trigger for bloodbath
Magic Missile: If you do not want to slag and swap but bloodbath trigger is lacking.
Storm front: Kinda good bloodbath triger good for bloodlust stack and healing from elemental emphaty.
Now i want your advise, help, critics. Will it work, if no why?
I am more than happy to discuss about it if anyone have an idea.
Thanks for reading this far!
Edit:For anyone curious about if build works it does not. BookEmDano gave a real good Mania/Hellborn build and im using it right now.
Corrosive Butcher
Rough Rider
Legendary Torch/Sickle
Chain Lİghtning/Slag Transfussion/Quasar/Stormfront
Blood Of The Ancients