Yah, playing coop. Fighting Master Gee when suddendly I noticed this:
That…“syringe”. Anybody knows what is that?
It’s like “replacing” StW. Does it has any relationship with the “invincibility dome” that spawns while we fight him?
Yah, playing coop. Fighting Master Gee when suddendly I noticed this:
That…“syringe”. Anybody knows what is that?
It’s like “replacing” StW. Does it has any relationship with the “invincibility dome” that spawns while we fight him?
That is from absorbing the acid pools, they give you a damage buff and DOT against you
Thanks mate.
Does that syringe icon show up for all characters who eat an acid pool and get the resulting stat buffs, or just Krieg? I don’t think I ever noticed that… handy way to keep track of things.
It shows how many your char absorved so far.
OMG it does show up for any character (just went after him with Axton). I never noticed that before; I rarely look down at those skills because I’m usually so focused on trying not to die. Neat!
edit - he dropped an on-level homing Storm Front with a zero fuse… not bad!
Xmngr, I wouldn’t have noticed it if you didn’t point it out.
I don’t even bother looking down for Bloodlust stacks. Thanks for the heads up.
Cool to see you here Giuv. Welcome to the all-new POOP TRAIN 2.0 mate.
Hah, thanks mate! I was very glad to see you were already here.
A lot of my favorite people from the old forum made the switch. Bunch of them on this thread now that I think about it.
It still feels a bit clunky navigating, but I’ll be fine sooner or later.
One gets used to the new layout quite fast. And I like the notification system too.
Eh, I think I’m just feeling it out at the moment.
The reply system is SUPER handy, and I heard that the Admins can actually get in the mix of the convo as opposed to spending 1/2 their time fighting Spam Bots.
It’s also fun to note that it has the same icon as Sal’s Hard to Kill skill.
@Giuvito I know, bizarre, right? We get to express our ill-informed and poorly thought out opinions just like everyone else!
Yes. All characters aborbing pools.