I have been stuck at OP 3 in Digistruct Peak for a while now, and I can’t get past it. I am running a Hellborn build, but nothing seem to work with it, the healing doesn’t work very good and i rarely stay ignited for very long.
But my main problem right now is damage output, especially with the constructors and Scorch x2.
I can barely kill constructors fast enough with the Dpuh(the Hornet does nothing to kill them), but I still fall into Ffyl constantly when there are both mobs and a constructor at the same time.
Killing smaller mobs can be a pain too, the Hellfire won’t do much at all to enemies like Slagged Centurion Spiderants or Monarch Spiderants, and the Omen isn’t that effective either, but I feel like that is the better choice in most cases.
I am also having a very hard time to keep dots going for the healing from Elemental Empathy, so I am always very close to get downed. The dot problem also makes it hard to keep myself on fire, so the bonuses related to that often aren’t active either, resulting in a decrease in my Dps.
When I do get to the Scorches, I start to switch between my Slagga and Dpuh, trying to focus on one at a time, slagging and switching to the Dpuh, but I only manage to remove about half of one of the Scorches health before I get downed and am unable to get a Second Wind.
So to sum up, my Dps is to poor to be able to kill enemies fast and save ammo, and I’m having a hard time generally staying alive. Is there any weapons I can switch out to help with killing constructors and Scorch, or maybe where my skillpoints would fit better? I am open to change my playstyle completely too, to maybe a more melee-oriented build or a hybrid.
Below is my build and all the gear I use, the Blood of the Ancients would probably work better if it boosted Pistol ammo instead of SMG, but maybe a different relic altogether would be better? I feel completely lost right now, wondering if anybody has any tips as to what I should do to get through the peak easier. I can add that I want to do this solo, and without any use of gibbed.
Thanks in advance!