'Buzz Axe Bombardier' Makes 'Fuel The Blood' Greatly Enhance Axe Throw Damage:

Not exactly new information for the forum’s veterans (there are even many years old videos of it in action), but verified with test numbers (with many decimals …)

  • Buzz Axe Bombardier changes The Axe’s Impact Damage from Non-Elemental Melee to Non-Elemental Splash and adds an extra Explosive Splash. (it also makes it trigger ‘Blood Bath’ on (splash) kills and it will no longer trigger ‘Fuel the Blood’ on (melee) kills like it does before Buzz Axe Bombardier)
  • Both those splash-es USE THE GRENADE DAMAGE MULTIPLIER. So when 10/5 ‘Fuel The Blood’ at 100 bloodlust stacks adds +2.54 (UI lies only +2) to the grenade damage multiplier (this is triggered via melee kill) this (1 + 2.54 + BARgrenade) will multiply both the non-elemental impact and the explosive splash damage of the axe throw.
  • The impact splash component can still CRIT (too bad krieg lacks crit damage enhancing skills outside the BAR bonus.)
  • BAB also makes the axe throw utterly useless against enemies with high splash damage resistance like Constructors and Saturn. EDIT Actually it still hits like a truck at least vs the eye (must investigate further - seems much better than Jackobs SR to the eye option)
  • Note than on its own BAB (buzz axe bombardier) doesn’t greatly increase axe throw damage. One must combo it with COM boosted Fuel The Blood (and micro the melee kills since Axe throw no longer activates fuel the blood ) to get big damage out of the axe throw.
  • On the COM to use - it needs to boost Fuel the Blood ! Explosive damage is secondary since the explosive splash doesn’t get the melee damage multiplier, which can get significant on a dedicated melee build. Legendary Sickle seems the best but Pain is Power lower crit damage will affect the (rare) axe crits.

In these circumstances, while Fuel the Blood kill skill bonus is active, the Axe throw will out-damage the melee swing. AND THIS IS OFTEN 1 SHOT KILL TERRITORY vs non-slagged mooks even (without crits on UVHM.)

Damage Calculation Formulas:

Axe throw Damage Without BAB NON-ELEMENTAL MELEE
3/5 * [(5 * 20 * 1.13^LvL * 0.8 )* (1 + 0.02 * LvL) + Roid ] * (1 + sum additive melee damage) * Crit

Axe throw Damage With BAB impact NON-ELEMENTAL SPLASH
3/5 * [(5 * 20 * 1.13^LvL * 0.8 )* (1 + 0.02 * LvL) + Roid ] * (1 + sum additvie melee damage) * (1 + sum grenade) * Crit

Axe throw Damage With BAB EXPLOSIVE SPLASH
3/5 * [(5 * 20 * 1.13^LvL * 0.8 )* (1 + 0.02 * LvL) + Roid ] * (1 + sum grenade) * (1 + sum Explosive)

test data and formulas verification

// lvl 54 RTB

Melee Damage Done By Player; Player’s Melee Additive(sum) Damage Multiplier = 2.74154;

this is from above missing ; this line for axe throw attacks // 3.741543531 in CE stats seems to match

# Damage Type = NON-ELEMENTAL ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.13138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 310598.06250  
        812  1852685.875 Max    582685.563 Cur   893283.625 Prev   310598.063 Damage   49B34D98 baseaddress   Bullymong Sling vsHealthOrArmor
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.13138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 13637.90723  
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.13138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 13637.90723  
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.13138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 13637.90723  
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.13138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 13637.90723  
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.13138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 13637.90723  
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.13138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 13637.90723  
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 1.13138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 13637.90723  
         63  1852685.875 Max    487220.219 Cur   582685.563 Prev    95465.344 Damage   49B34D98 baseaddress   Bullymong Sling vsHealthOrArmor

//calculation/formula verification
(3 * 20 * 1.13^54 * 0.8 )* (1 + 0.02 * 54) * 3.741543531 * 1.131377578 = 310598.16838 // NICE !!!
(3* 20 * 1.13^54 * 0.8 )* (1 + 0.02 * 54) * 1.131377578 * 1.15 = 95465.38498 // V nice


Second Axe Throw, this time with 10/5 Fuel The Blood at 100 bloodlust stacks active
melee damage mult went down 2.741543531 // 100% from RTB in expiration animation during the hit

pop ups 1671 k 309k Explo

# Damage Type = NON-ELEMENTAL ; ElementalMul = 1.00000; ( GrenadeMul = 3.67138 ); address =   4A755418 
# CRIT !!! ;(gun)Crit Multiplier = 2.263  
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 1671098.75000  
       4422  1852685.875 Max         0.000 Cur   677389.438 Prev   677389.438 Damage   49B34D98 baseaddress   Bullymong Sling vsHealthOrArmor
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 3.67138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 44255.69922  
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 3.67138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 44255.69922  
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 3.67138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 44255.69922  
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 3.67138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 44255.69922  
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 3.67138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 44255.69922  
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 3.67138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 44255.69922  
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 3.67138 ); address =   4A755418 
# vsHealthorArmorMul 1.00; Intermediary Damage Value 44255.69922  
         46  1852685.875 Max    303655.438 Cur   613445.313 Prev   309789.875 Damage   49D694D8 baseaddress   Bullymong Sling vsHealthOrArmor
# Damage Type =     EXPLOSIVE ; ElementalMul = 1.15000; ( GrenadeMul = 3.67138 ); address =   4A755418 

//calculation/formula verification
(3 * 20 * 1.13^54 * 0.8 )* (1 + 0.02 * 54) * 2.741543531 * 3.671377659 = 738524.194098
but since it was a crit:
(3 * 20 * 1.13^54 * 0.8 )* (1 + 0.02 * 54) * 2.741543531 * 3.671377659 * 2.262755156 = 1671099.42803 // YAY !!

and the splash:
(3 * 20 * 1.13^54 * 0.8 )* (1 + 0.02 * 54) * 3.671377659 * 1.15 = 309790.019239

Not as precise Roid bonus test for axe throw

1444550.87500 // splash impact damage

// verification
3/5 * (5 * ( 20 * 1.13^56 * 0.8 )* (1 + 0.02 * 56) + 35454 ) * 3.921543598 * 3.154743433 = 1444554.56929


No wonder I’ve really liked BAB on my Krieg (running Blister com). I prefer to throw my axes from a distance too (easier to live long enough to get a kill and full heal on health that way).

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Is 5/5 on Fuel the blood with the Legendary Reaper COM enough?

I’m playing this kind of style (with a big stress on Light the fuse, which is fantastic and super fun in normal UVHM) with a Crunch, and this made me think a Diesel Blister would be better if I can actually squeeze in the melee kills (I’m not going melee that often and I don’t think I’ll even pick up StV or RtB since I actually do want to ge into fight for my life once or twice per area). BUT then since I’m playing in duo with an Axton it made me think the Reaper would be worth the Fuel the blood sacrifice.

So, to summarise, I slag things, try to get a couple melee kills, then a couple BAB kills and when I finally get in fight for my life, I explode myself to chain bloodsplosions off of the weaker foes. With an Axton. Which COM would better suit this?

I don’t know , I haven’t played borderlands 2 in like 10 months …

I’m sorry for hyper necro/anything else but did this dude seriously datamine from Unreal Engine 3’s debugger and used it’s calculator to test BL2’s own math formulas as they appear in code; to remember none of the info a year later? Huh? Why waste the time doing the math if you had no use for it? The info for the mathematical workings of skills are insurmountably valuable, but they don’t do much here. At the very least, they’re meant for a blog or YouTube VG Mechanics channel…

Edit: oh,
Possible Tediore Exploit on Sal? seems to show his methodology. He’s (educatedly) guessing the formulas. He does have valuable talent for math. He has a huge pair of Kahunas for derailing the Sal thread like that, too. Still, valuable information nonetheless.


Got it in one :+1:

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