Hey kriegers, hope your doing well!
I have been playing this game since launch. Played the ■■■■ out of it when it came out as salvador on my friends copy. I got a copy for myself on x360 and solo a krieg to level 72 op5 and got boosted after. I got this game for free when building my pc so I played this game time to time on pc. I also got the handsome collection (cheaper at the point versus pc version of tps) to play tps. So I have been around, but I still learn new things.
Anyway I have been following the threads and talking on shadows discord as well, I wanted some feedback on my builds that I plan to run. Assuming my badass rank is turned off and I have all kreig top gear + all butchers, topnea, bonus launcher, mongol/hive, and quads. i plan on running these builds.
Melee Krieg
Okay so I narrowed it down to either this build:
Or this one
My rational is for mobbing I am going to be using legendary sickle and rough rider and for setting up bloodsplosion (undefined/infinite damage potential) chains I am using raiper + hide. Now it really comes down to these two for me for melee, I saw a demonite video where he showed crit multiplers don’t effect melee crits so the over the board 100% melee boost at 10/5 PIP on fire plus all the bonuses should be deadly. Out of RTB I would be mostly running slag nades, slag pimp/slagga/florentine, dpuh, etc. basically I am always in rtb unless I can’t melee at that point I will switch to using BB for damage.
This is the basic hellborn build I wanna use for using elemental weapons and explosive weapons:
I will be using either fastball or fotfh to proc bb. I kept FTB for boosted bloodsplosion from grenades after melee kill. Probably going to be using a legendary reaper (unless legendary toast will be better?) and mostly elemental weapons.
Between those builds I will sometimes use either javelineer krieg build or deputy krieg build.
I am looking for insight on if i should move certain skills around? This was the build I used on my 360 before long time ago and I am wondering if its effective? I also did a save with max 3 trees, it was pretty good but i doubt it was optimal.