[Looking for Tips] My krieg builds, looking for some recommendation or insights?

Hey kriegers, hope your doing well!

I have been playing this game since launch. Played the ■■■■ out of it when it came out as salvador on my friends copy. I got a copy for myself on x360 and solo a krieg to level 72 op5 and got boosted after. I got this game for free when building my pc so I played this game time to time on pc. I also got the handsome collection (cheaper at the point versus pc version of tps) to play tps. So I have been around, but I still learn new things.

Anyway I have been following the threads and talking on shadows discord as well, I wanted some feedback on my builds that I plan to run. Assuming my badass rank is turned off and I have all kreig top gear + all butchers, topnea, bonus launcher, mongol/hive, and quads. i plan on running these builds.

Melee Krieg

Okay so I narrowed it down to either this build:


Or this one


My rational is for mobbing I am going to be using legendary sickle and rough rider and for setting up bloodsplosion (undefined/infinite damage potential) chains I am using raiper + hide. Now it really comes down to these two for me for melee, I saw a demonite video where he showed crit multiplers don’t effect melee crits so the over the board 100% melee boost at 10/5 PIP on fire plus all the bonuses should be deadly. Out of RTB I would be mostly running slag nades, slag pimp/slagga/florentine, dpuh, etc. basically I am always in rtb unless I can’t melee at that point I will switch to using BB for damage.


This is the basic hellborn build I wanna use for using elemental weapons and explosive weapons:

I will be using either fastball or fotfh to proc bb. I kept FTB for boosted bloodsplosion from grenades after melee kill. Probably going to be using a legendary reaper (unless legendary toast will be better?) and mostly elemental weapons.


Between those builds I will sometimes use either javelineer krieg build or deputy krieg build.

I am looking for insight on if i should move certain skills around? This was the build I used on my 360 before long time ago and I am wondering if its effective? I also did a save with max 3 trees, it was pretty good but i doubt it was optimal.



NBoth melee krieg build is okay its a question of which one do you prefer. Me i prefer the one with a point in thrill of the kill, and i also pit some points in blood twitch.

In hellborn i will max out nervous blood and maybe remove some points in flame flare (i usually put 1 point in that since it is boosted by legendary torch) or fuel the blood since you will rarely melee in hellborn build.


Your second melee build is pretty close to what my Krieg runs most of the time, with the exception of StV (not against it, it just didn’t work for me when I tried it). I rock the Leg Reaper and Slagga+Fastball for Bloodsplosion and Bloodbath shenanigans. This post has an image of my skill tree. My weapon rotation tends to include a SWORDSPLOSION!!! (casual flavor), an Unkempt Harold, and rifle chosen by situation (Kerblaster, Spitter, Lyuda element matched where necessary/advantageous). A Rough Rider is the only shield for me on this toon for a while now, I don’t think he even remembers what a full shield bar looks like. This definitely works for me when mobbing or messing with bosses that have adds, but I am practicing and fine tuning it to climb the peak. Past that, if what you’ve got there works for you I say roll with that until it doesn’t. I’d definitely take your meat bicycle for a test drive. I’ve never rolled Hellborn so I’ve got no opinions there, but I bet @xmngr and @Enderborn1 have some opinions worth considering. Their posts and advice were pretty helpful for me.


Do you plan to use any of these builds on Digistruct Peak? Also, I’d go with your second melee build- I find it hard to imagine Krieg w/o Embrace the Pain…


All the advises here apply to Melee Krieg, for Hellborn perhaps @xmngr can be of better help than I am :

The second Melee build is almost similar to the one I use. It goes down to personal preference, but for me 3/5 Nervous Blood is enough and I spec the rest in Fuel the Fire for better Elemental Effect Chance (which effectively increases your ability to stack Bloodlust if you’re using the Florentine as your debuffing tool).

Pain is Power isn’t worth it on a Melee build tbh. You have to spec 10 points to get it and you also need some points in Fire Fiend to proc the on-fire bonus and even then it’s a weak damage boost that occurs rarely in a battle.

Also, Thrill of the Kill should always get 1/5. It really helps when you’re rampaging with your gun outside of Buzz-Axe Rampage and it will most likely put you above health gate if you’re using a high-caliber weapon like the DPUH.

Speaking of gear : just get a Harold and a decent Slag gun (preferably the Florentine or Pimpernel). Rough Rider is Melee Krieg’s best option and I highly recommend a Sheriff’s Badge because it’ll increase both your damage with the Harold and your Buzz-Axe throwing rate, giving you more DPS against beefy enemies (especially when Fuel the Blood is active, DPS reaches Sniper Zer0 levels of insanity). If you don’t care about that just use a Health relic, these also work well for health stacking. Finally, make sure to get some good Slag grenades and chuck them before you enter BXR (preferably Slag Bouncing Betties).

Other than that, it seems like an excellent build to me. :slight_smile:


It’s Legendary Torch by the way - which is a great Hellborn COM. But so is the Leg Reaper and so is a purple Power Toast. I like the Toast the most but the L Torch gives better survivability. You’d end up building around whichever COM you use ( which sounds redundant, doesn’t it? ) - so points in Hellborn will get shuffled around accordingly.

Others stated that Nervous Blood is more useful than Fuel the Blood - even Taste of Blood is more useful if you’ve hit BXR as a panic button.

Mania looks good to me.

In Hellborn, I actually spread points around somewhat evenly through the whole tree ( except Halitosis of course ). Fire Fiend I spec if I’ve got the Toast on - otherwise I leave it out. I like Pain is Power - I tend to use non-critting guns like the Blockhead, Omen, Harold, Swordsplosion, etc.


@nat_zero_six @Enderborn1 @paulothead

Thank’s for the response. It seems after some more digging you guy’s are right! Surprisingly critical bonus off weapons, relics, etc doesn’t alter melee crits but seems like Pain is Power is special in that regard because PIP does decrease melee crit. Guess I don’t need points in that. So now for melee I am thinking of either this:





Yes I would want to run these builds on digi peak. I know melee is possible in OP8 peak!


Hmm so you mean go less into mania and more into hellborn while keeping bloodlust? I wanted Strip the flesh for explosive boost since hellborn has no boost for that, and i kept FTB due to the invaluable grenade buff that will outright make my bloodsplosions turn waves into nothingness. Also gives me a huge option to instagib bosses using a tediore build?

Thanks guys!


I forgot to add. Listen to them dont listen to me, i run a krieg with Blood trance :wink::wink:


Nope - I’d keep Mania as it is because :


It was more a matter of spreading Hellborn around a bit and moving the points from Fuel the Blood ( my Hellborn dude doesn’t melee - so it’s useless to me personally ). I’d post a build but it greatly depends on COM choice.


This might help, from @Himawari

Build some stacks, kill an enemy via melee to activate FTB, then chuck tediore.


Take the second one and spec the two points you put in Numbed Nerves into something else. You’ll never be on fire unless you’re running a Fire weapon and even then you end up damaging yourself for a weak 20% DR which is not worth it. I’d advise to spec them into Nervous Blood, which helps you chain kills with the Harold and keep those Kill Skills active.

oh dear


For your hellborn krieg, fuel the blood isn’t too helpful (unless you’re planning on doing a hybrid build) so I’d recommend going into nervous blood instead. Legendary reaper is my favourite choice here, so I’d sat go 1 point into fuel the fire and 4 into burn baby burn.


Whenever I see a reference to that COM I always think of Powdered Toast Man and how Krieg needs a skin and head for that. :smiley:



I see, yeah maybe something like this:

If not I am thinking of maybe going 4/3 split between Blood twitch and nervous blood. I am going to be mostly running Legendary Sickle for mobbing or melesplosion while I switch to Legendary Reaper for using explosive weapons and tediore reload or just plan abusing Blood Bath <3


I see, I kept FTB because it helps tediore reloads and I can bloodsplode bosses with that.


That seems a little bit of a specific for a 5 point investment.

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@kurac @Jefe

Hmm i guess I could run this spec:

Wondering which com to use? Legendary Reaper?


I believe kurac stated the L Reaper was preferred - that build looks perfectly good ( although Taste of Blood is boosted by the L Reaper and might be worth one point if you think you might use BXR to escape ).

I prefer the Hellborn COMs - Toast and L Torch. The L Torch boosts Flame Flare, so you can rob a point from wherever. Maybe Fire Fiend - you already have reload from Nervous Blood. The build I use with the Toast would pull you away from your desired build, so here’s what I propose :

Use both the Leg Reaper and Leg Torch and see which one you enjoy more. You can use the build you’ve posted but just move one point into Flame Flare ( and optional one point into Taste of Blood and/or Blood Overdrive ).


I find the Legendary Reaper is just a generally good com, as it provides a massive damage boost with blood bath. Since so many of the guns Krieg is good with also have grenade splash damage, you don’t necessarily need to use a fastball to proc blood bath. The Legendary Torch com is great if you plan on doing a dot based build, but still helps with regular gun Krieg builds as well. The choice between the two is mostly personal preference, however the Reaper provides the most raw damage.
I’d also recommend moving points out of fire fiend and into either pain is power or flamer flare(especially if you are using the UCP), since the bonuses of fire fiend are a bit mild.


Revising my above : Fire Fiend really is redundant and I think you’re those points in StF are actually better served in PiP ( 4/5 in StF is only 12% ).

Maybe this :


Points in Hellborn could be reallocated depending on COM. That single point in Taste of Blood is totally optional.


@Jefe @kurac

Well I am running ucp on PC not on handsome collection so is flame flare still broken ?

Pip nerfs crits for my non splash guns like butcher, cc, interfacer, hail, kitten, etc. So I tend not to pick it up. Ofcourse say if I’m running all splash weapon like omen, twister, casters, non-crit torgue weapons than I guess I’ll go into pip plus use L Torch.