Problem with krieg

I’ve noticed that while i’m playing with hellborn krieg on bl handsome collection for ps4 ,elemental empathy doesn’t work on boss like terra and mister snowflake,is that normal or is a bug?

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its normal. Terramorphous is immune to elemental DoT. Use a moxxi weapon for healing.

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They are resistant to fire DoT so that is normal.


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Not just fire. and immune, not resistant.


ty for the answer

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I never really had many problems with elemental empathy. But i’m on PS3 so it may be different. I’m currently having a huge problem myself. I’ve been farming mad dog in lynchwood and a problem persists. For one, the rats just stand there and dont attack. Most of them anyway…whats worse is that normally, blood trance would increase the amount of time I can stay in buzz axe rampage, but for some weird reason, It doesnt work properly unless I open my menu mid-combat. Still, I dont have a PS4 and trust me, if I did, i’d see what the problem was and help you out as best I possibly could.