Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Lady Hammerlock the Baroness

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Lady Hammerlock the Baroness

67965 [Build] Winter is Coming a.k.a. White Walker - Level 70 Update
133905 [Guide] Top Gear for Lady Hammerlock
112750 [DDD Guide] A Lady’s Guide to Murder and Mayhem
64534 [Build] The Chilled Sniper - Level 60!
64490 [Guide] Aurelia Master Build List
64483 [Guide] Aurelia the Baroness Resource Guide
99952 [Build] Everyone gets slapped in the face (close combat/coop) [Lvl 70 DLC update]
64214 [Guide] Aurelia's Class Mods - With pictures and max stats
87619 Aurelia Head and skin list
176100 Denial Subroutine.. Tips?
76671 [Videos & Tactics] UVHM Aurelia vs Bosses (Lvl 70 update)
1641997 Am I playing Aurelia wrong?
64104 Good pairs with the Baroness (Aurelia)? 2 player co-op partner classes
65615 Tips for stacking I Never Miss
324903 Awesome in Normal, weak in TVHM/UVHM?
1549977 [Build] The Droogist
306964 First tree for aurelia?
83633 [Analysis] How useful is frostbite in UVHM? (Lvl 70 update)
111363 What are some good shields for Aurelia besides Tediore?
67033 [Feedback] Aurelia: Thoughts after finishing the game?
1508581 Help defeating The Empyrean Sentinel in UVHM
182903 Looking for hardcore Aurelia DPS Build
74089 How on earth does she stay alive with a raid?
129745 How does she deal with The Sentinel?
327685 [Build] Icepocalypse - Lvl 70
65614 Highest Single Shot Damage Across All Three Games?
73238 [Analysis] All-clear: Long-Range Killer works as intended
170419 [Build] Deputy Aurelia!
1074771 First toon into UVHM (I am so screwed it seems)
1192186 Is Aurelia's Co-Op Tree Worth speccing into?
1151709 Aurelia the best AR user?
65005 Do we have a volunteer for an Aurelia Skills Guide?
283855 Aurelia build - What do you think?
70488 [Build] Abs0lute Zer0
64339 Aurelia's Voicelines
65422 I Never Miss... Really?
70903 [Build] Antisocialism - Sniperless Solo Shenanigans!
335980 Best cryo weapon for bosses? non sniper
75628 Skullmasher + I Never Miss = FAIL
70496 [Build] The Cold Hard B!tch
65658 Aurelias melee is too darn
64729 Warning: Aurelia can Freeze RedBelly permanently
72436 Ermagerd I love Bitter Riposte!
85405 How To Deal With Close-Range Attackers?
244304 Can we put together a list of crit-spots?
1291534 Winter's Veil question?
500580 New whit the Baroness
409806 Going Cry-Markswoman. How do I get the most out of it?
253547 UVHM stuck! Annoyed!
69446 How does short summer work?
1557365 Frozen Sniper 33/33/1
77473 So what do people think about large caliber?
1553893 [TPS] Balancing Aurelia Hammerlock's Skill Trees
1119601 Tl Kope is this good for her
78762 [Build] Ice Ice Baby!
75353 [Build] I Simply Just Don't Care
170148 Bitter Ripost actually good?
64274 Aurelia: First thoughts?
66267 Contractual Aristocracy
1130331 Stacking I Never Miss
71456 How to kill UVHM Bosun
70973 Why Aurelia is THE speedrun character
67725 The Baroness restored the fun in this game; what I use to dominate the battlefield
262645 WHAT IF Aurelia's sniper skills also applied to RAILGUNS?
69931 Tediore quick shields
65555 PSA: Flakker Glitch triggers every sniper shot/miss related skill in huntress tree!
1123248 Question about Wintertide
364768 Does Duchess Work While Solo?
76243 Frostfire worth it?
99917 Purple class mod issue
67710 Disappointed with Aurelia DLC (not as class/character but the NPCs interaction)
76533 Frigid touch question?
1561354 Wintertide Question
363738 Markswoman- How does the Aim Speed bonus work?
67756 Cryo Bouncing Bazza... you need one
465286 Most interesting Duchess effects on weapons?
111359 Is Aurelia weak against fire?
527374 Duo leveling Baroness+Jack
64159 Your builds: post complete builds, ideas and comment the builds/ideas of others
65369 Cold money. :):)
1553243 Second wind from Magic Bullet?
109248 One powerful character
1546141 Silver lining with shotguns
1051038 Does this tree build look ok
1123777 Hi, I'm new... got newbie questions. :D
1637785 Shock alternatives for Aurelia
70820 Anyone try using the avalanche on her?
1410329 Where to spend my last points?
1494275 It's a question
79691 Is Celestial Baroness bugged?
72676 Aurelia: ?!?!?!
88443 Issues with Badass Ranks
72638 Lady Hammerlock may be rich, but she is not evil
74854 If Nisha is a Turtle shield specialist, then Aurelia is a Tediore Shield specialist!
72413 Aurelia's design (random observation)
72967 Wait, so she's an Explosive specialist?
2171203 Sub Zero Sniper
77898 UVHM cryo effectiveness
72490 How does the plunkett work with silver lining?
161865 Long Range Killer
79371 Question regarding 'Custom Load'
487136 Questions about E-Gun
360059 How do Only the Best and Large Caliber work together?
1563023 Heads for Aurelia
66395 Hip-firing snipers -- is there a penalty?
2016308 How do her co-op skills interact with Wolf and Digi-Jacks?
69528 She sits sidesaddle on the stingray
4559073 Aurelia, Bosses, and Balancing Damage & Survivability
79119 Help with class mod
76566 What triggers Short Summer?
2836243 [Informal Build] Cold Chaos
77822 Whiteout question [Solved]
461003 Major Contract/Skin Issues
69500 Badass Round Win
413884 Targeting Arena - Absolute Elemental Glee!
72291 Just got her. Few questions
289932 Silver Lining acting weirdly with Single Shot Weapons
64677 What do Lady Hammerlock Legendary Class mods look like?
67638 Current unnamed build