- Does it make you lose Avalanche stacks if you use it?
- Is it boosted by Next to Cleanliness?
- The E-Gun does not do fire damage, so you don’t have to worry about that.
- It does NE damage so I would assume it works with NtC, IIRC there was some weirdness earlier with the E-gun potencially not being calculated as NE, I havent hearld anything about that in a long time though so someone should probably confirm if this works. I probably can after work.
Um the E-Gun kinda does fire damage. Its not actrually coded as NE damage (It does less dmg to shields and doesnt proc M6 and other Nisha Skills). It would need a test for sure.
E-Gun is a modified fire elemental laser, does not gett any elemental damage boosts but neither from non-ele skills I believe.
Ah, so that’s what happend with that, Thanks for telling me.
It’s been a while.
Anyway, I’ll let yall know what happens when I do test it
Alright, I did some quick tests:
The Egun will not cause you to lose Avalanche stacks and it does get the damage boost from NtC.
I suspect this is because the element is coded as Elemental_Egun not Elemental_None, which would also explain why it dosen’t proc skills that require NE guns.
TL;DR: the Egun is actual its own element, so any skills requiring/prohibiting specific elements do not effect the E-gun.
With this in mind I actually think this makes it a super good gun for Aurelia if it gets increased damage against Flesh, situationaly anyway.