UVHM cryo effectiveness

Im about 3/4 of the way through TVHM and am currently using the cold money tree. As the weakness and resistance of enemies is buffed in UVHM i was just wondering if anyone has had a lot of success with cryo in that mode or if i should just spec into sniping.

I would probably spec into sniping for the first level, then back into Cold Money for the rest of UVHM unless you decide you want to do a hybrid or skip sniping entirely.

If you want to go full cryo, you should spec into Frostbite. It helps a lot in UVHM. I run a sniping-cryo-hybrid and with Frostbite, i can switch between the playstyles nice and smoothly. Without it, the shard is still a great assist but the damage it does is littled away through enemys shield’s resistance.

Definitely agree about Frostbite. At 9/5 the shard can kill a lot of enemies on its own.

this is my current build http://thepresequel.com/Aurelia/3250013100005140015130111000000000000
i use the celestial com at lv 40 so +4 on the skills affected.

just wasn’t sure how well frostbite would work on the shields in UVHM due to they have 2x the shield and it is resistant anyway

Word. Well if you find a class mod that boosts Frostbite you should try it out since you have it at 5/5 anyway. I’m not running 9/5 Frostbite anymore but I do believe it’s +99% cryo damage to shields so that’s pretty nice. Plus you’ve got Avalanche, Short Summer, and Wintertide, plus Bitter Riposte and Winter Veil so you already have a pretty strong cryo build.

Cold Money is fine for UVHM mobbing - Cryo + shard makes for easy mode - only problem you will have with her is some Boss fights.

btw - always have 1 point in Bitter Riposte and Winters Veil as they freeze enemies really well.

Weakness yes.
Resistance no.

Cryo has the same exact modifiers as it did in TVHM.