Aurelia is the last VH I’ve been attempting to get good with in UVHM, and so far it’s a mixed bag. The rumors of her being a glass cannon are mostly true. I say “mostly” because I haven’t found her to be a cannon on bosses, which is my principal issue with her.
The build I’ve been running with is as follows, with a Celestial Baronness COM:
Fairly self-explanatory. I wanted to maximize my passive buffs as much as possible and not have to bother with hit/miss stuff like Warning Shot, Wait for It, and I Never Miss. I took Winter’s Fury over Polar Vortex because the latter is unreliable and neither of them are amazing regardless. I wonder about Frostbite and Whiteout, and whether 5/5 in Only the Best is overkill. I put the 5 points in OtB mostly because of the mag size bonus to snipers, to help balance out what I lose there from Large Caliber. The bullet speed bonus is nice, but not essential.
As is known by now from my other threads in TPS, I’m not a huge proponent of cryo/explosive - I like variety and flexibility - but as Aurelia and with the above build, I’ve found almost nothing more generally useful than a cryo Company Man. Not only does it wreck badasses, but also, for reasons I don’t understand, Buzzards (or whatever they’re called in TPS - my mind is blank at the moment).
Other weapons I’ve been using: shock Droog, Omni-Cannon, Skullmasher, shock Meat Grinder, Fatale, shock glitched Rightsizing Transmurdera (mag size good), and Vibra-Pulse (healing).
Grenade: longbow Cryo. Khimera knows I stubbornly refused to trade my Quasar for this grenade with Clappy, but for Aurelia things are different. I tried both with her and the Cryo won easily. My game is utterly, completely, absolutely unwilling to give me a perfect longbow Cryo Transfusion (I have done thousands of grinds trying to get one, and I will not do one more), so that’s not an option. I have a lonbow Cryo Leech and I’ve tried it out - still don’t like it. It heals too fast, odd as that sounds, and the Cryo effect is weak as hell.
So - longbow Cryo it is.
Oz Kit: started with an Arctic Tranquility, switched to Eddie when I kept dying.
Shield: through most of UVHM I was using a Naught. It wasn’t terrible, but DOTs were still destroying me. I figured, thus, that the Reogenator would be worth a shot. I’m still glassy, but I’m not getting downed by DOTs as much, and that’s fine with me. I don’t love it, still. It’s just that I’ve been unable to find anything better on Aurelia.
In most mobbing situations I find this build and loadout to be good to great. Some areas wreck me more than others - I had a particularly difficult time in the Lunar Launching Station, getting swarmed, invisible dudes everywhere, rockets, lasers, and DOTs, oh my. On the whole, though, not too much to complain about.
The real problem is bosses. The disparity between the damage I do to mobs and the (complete lack of) damage I do to bosses is astounding. Felicity took me around five minutes; Zarpedon a little less but still much longer than she usually takes with other characters. Bosun was something of a grind as well. RedBelly… I just don’t understand how to fight him. I always have trouble with that ■■■■■ and his mini-me.
So, naturally, I’m worried about what’s going to happen to me when I confront the Sentinel. Using my Nostradamus intuition, I foresee a brutal series of deaths for my Baronness.
What am I missing? Is there something lacking in my build that would up my damage against bosses? Should I go full Cryo and use a Chronicler COM? Or some blue COM? Is there a weapons with Aurelia that counts as a boss killer?
I tried out the Droogs and Machines with mixed results. Deadlift was easy enough (provided he didn’t one shot me, as he did three times). Otherwise, meh.
I’m also curious as to whether I can do something to make my Aurelia just a notch more survivable. It certainly doesn’t look that way. I scoured her skills and the available shields and COMs and Oz kits, and all I could come up with, as noted, was the Eddie and the Reo.
My experimental lab is open for business. All suggestions are welcome.