Major Contract/Skin Issues

My wife and I have been doing a play-through with me as the doppelganger and her as the baroness. For some reason at about level 13 her contract randomly wouldn’t work. She would hold it out and I would melee like always and she would put it away like always. Only, no icons appeared, and no buffs happened. I thought that maybe it was because I got Jack’s “Inspire” skill, but I respeced and got rid of it and the contract still would not work.

Also, for some reason, when we first started this play-through, all of my wife’s vehicle skins from our previous play-through were gone. My vehicle skins were still there for me though. Then at about level 18, we loaded up and her character skins that she had unlocked so far were gone. Again, mine were all still there.

If someone could please help with these issues I would be super grateful, thanks!

(Oh yeah, we’re playing on the 360)