- Flameknuckle
- Deadlift
- RedBelly
- Nel
- Bosun
- Felicity
- Lazlo, Egghood and Cl4p-L3k
- Zarpedon
- Rk5
- Iwajira
- The Empyrean Sentinel
- The Invincible Empyrean Sentinel
- Denial Subroutine
- The Earworm
- Shadow-TP
- Eclipse / EOS
##1. Prelim
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###Aurelia is weak against bosses??
Ever since the Aurelia DLC, there’s been a couple of threads about Aurelia’s (dis)ability to fight bosses in UVHM solo play. I figured I could just go ahead and record some vids of how I’d approach certain bosses on a cookie cutter sniper/cryo build.
###No l33th4x -=sp33dk1llz=-
This is NOT going to be some game breaking leethax speed kill guide. The goal is to help the regular player who’re struggling at certain stages in their playthrough.
All shown tactics work from a cold start - thus no pre-stacking skills, no glitching, no exploits, no illegit gear.
I don’t judge people who use these methods for farming though!
Furthermore, this should ideally not be just me telling people how to do the bosses, but rather the community compiling their ideas and tactics with different builds.
Feel free to record your most preferred tactics to those bosses and post them here, or post about clever tactics you’ve found!
##2. General tactics
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###Plan A: Aim for the head!
Most bosses have crit spots. Aurelia gets crit boosts, and her main weaponry comes with crit bonus. Element matching adds further damage. Trivial, right?
Recommended gear: Fast snipers like the Droog or the Pitchfork work well on these. Large crit spots are also very susceptible to the Skullmasher. I like using Duality Oz kits with Sniper damage / recoil reduction and sniper oriented COMs (Celestial Baroness, Big Game Hunter, Sports Hunter).
###Have a plan B for CQC
Some bosses like closing in on us, make it hard to snipe. Have something ready to react to that.
Recommended gear: Fast shotguns such as the Bullpup or the Company Man (Thinking shotguns for those without access to loyalty guns).
###Have a plan C for… those ■■■■■■ up boss fights
Not every boss can be sniped though, some don’t expose their crit spot very often (EOS), others don’t even have one (first stage of the Sentinel, first stage of Red and Belly).
Recommended gear: I personally like to resort to Launchers (I prefer the Badaboom) and Maliwan Lasers (my recommendation: Dichotomized Splitters). Good COMs would be the Lady for its gun damage and fire rate boosts, the High definition for gun and crit damage and the Chronicler of Elpis or Queen for cryo damage.
###Kiting is a glass cannon’s best friend
The Baroness can not unlike some other classes facetank bosses at all. Not even normal mobs most of the time. Thus, it’s wise to be on the move, use cover, and only go for safe hits. Most bosses have devastating attacks that will instantly down her when not dodged early enough. While Aurelia’s damage output is quite good, her defense is not, so some backup gear for increased defense might be good to have.
Recommended gear: Transfusion grenades, higher capacity shields (Adaptive, Naught, Turtle), defensive COMs (Eridian Vanquisher) and oz kits (3DD1.e).
##3. Videos
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@Ha_Na Lvl 70
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
In their first stage, they reflect bullets, so the droog is a very bad idea here
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
his critspot is his tiny head.
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
Pitchfork is the fastest option for her big crit spot. Just make sure to get close to felicity at the beginning, else she’ll follow you real close, instead of standing at her initial spot and doing lasers. I like to add cryo to every other shot to get the +200% crit bonus going.
Lazlo, Cl4p-L3k, Egghood
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
Lazlo moves around way too much and has a very tiny crit spot, which makes sniping hard.
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
Pound the crit spot, similar to the bosun. Also, this is video proof she drop’s the Death Mask head for Aurelia.
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
Go for the engines, and lead a little
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
Cryo pitchfork or droog. Maybe omni cannon, needs testing
(Normal) Sentinel
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
I had to resort to the lame combo of sham, logan’s gun and badaboom for this fight, sniping only made sense for the 1st and last part of the second stage
Invincible Sentinel
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
Even more sham-booming. I should have used a shock laser or shotgun for the big phase to conserve sniper ammo. There’s got to be a better way to do this.
##Ear worm
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
The key here is to use the shard / frostbite when it’s about to dive underground to recharge shields. Frostbite will prevent that.
##Denial subroutine
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
Keep track on him with DoTs and the shard, pound crit spots. Same old, really.
##Eclipse / EOS
@Ha_Na Lvl 70
During the Robot form, we can snipe his crit spot. During his flying form, he’ll only rarely reveal his crit spot for a very short time, so we resort to the badaboom and a corrosive Maliwan Splitter (or shotguns) for the time being.
Just ignore the trash mobs during EOS’ shield recharge phases.
##4. Submission welcome!
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As said before, please do post your fight videos here, and discuss setups, gear and tactics! Thanks for your attention.