[Analysis] All-clear: Long-Range Killer works as intended

I’ve posted this in my Winter is Coming guide already but I think not everyone is reading the posts in there. That’s why I decided to post it again in a separate thread.

Since I argued the last days that LRK doesn’t work resp. works very situational I wanted to substantiate my allegation with further testings. I don’t know whether they fixed it recently or I was blind when doing the first tests. It does work as intended. Always. I found some pretty interesting things.

  • The damage is based on the range - which should be obvious - and your gun’s damage.
  • It is affected by gun damage bonuses.
  • In close range (melee range) the additional damage is about 1% of your gun damage.
  • If you’re about 20 meters (estimation) away from your target the damage will be ~20% of your gun’s damage.
  • The additional damage behaves like a separate projectile from your gun.
  • It applies the element of your gun.
  • It can crit and is affected by crit damage bonuses.
  • Multiple projectiles per shot don’t affect the damage output. Just one projectile has to hit in order to apply the damage bonus from LRK.

Here’s an example of how powerful it can be, me sniping a Dahl Soldier in the Holodome with a Fremington’s Edge and no skill points invested except for LRK:

And here’s the reason why you don’t see additional numbers sometimes:


What’s the equivalent damage of that gun at zero range? That’s a high number, but without knowing how much higher it is than the baseline, it’s hard to get a feel for how much extra damage we’re capable of.

Which gun? Fremington’s Edge? At zero resp. melee range the damage of a crit would have been ~910 damage.

Does the Fremington’s Edge in this game have the same bonus damage when scoped?

Yes, it does.

funny thing Culling the herd triggers on the primary impact and causes the LR killer added damage to inflict more than 60% of the primary impact when at sufficient distance from target.

5680.828 / 7380.125 = 0.76974 // culling the herd activated by the primary impact increased LR Killer’s damage past 60% of impact
5680.828 / 9468.063 = 0.59999 // 60%

As long as you crit consistently to keep culling the herd bonus on , LR killer will be at 60% of impact (and the distance is sufficient).
This does mean LRK damage is calculated of the player’s stats/bonuses at the moment of impact , NOT based on the actual inflicted damage (like say siren’s immolate which does ridiculously double dip the elemental matching and vs slagged multipliers because of it).

Will need to test if it gets the machine’s ramp up bonus (pretty sure it does).

Another VERY IMPORTANT point and hard to test / prove atm is since it copies the element type of the gun does it add an extra roll to apply elemental effect [I SAID FREEZE ! ] per projectile hit.

EDIT: Nope despite the color of the LRK damage pop up the damage type is not actually same as the weapon …

# Normal Hit = 2539.50684 using           Droog ; Scaled Base Gun Damage (CARD) = 1953.46680 ; Sum of Additive Gun Damage Multiplier    0.30000 (beware exceptions!! & AMP SHIELD)  
# Cold Damage Done By Player; Player's Cold Elemental Damage Multiplier = 1.40850; ( GrenadeMul = 1.00000 ) 
       2343    20760.688 Max     17183.793 Cur    20760.688 Prev     3576.895 Damage   3A703858 baseaddress         Darksider vsHealthOrArmor 
# Cold Damage Done By Player; Player's Cold Elemental Damage Multiplier = 1.40850; ( GrenadeMul = 1.00000 ) 
          0    20760.688 Max     16289.569 Cur    17183.793 Prev      894.224 Damage   3A703858 baseaddress         Darksider vsHealthOrArmor 
         47    20760.688 Max     15615.873 Cur    16289.569 Prev      673.696 Damage   3A703858 baseaddress         Darksider vsHealthOrArmor 

wintertide 894.224 is COLD , does trigger roll to freeze
LRK 673.696 is ??? no super buffed %cold elemental multiplier, no frostbite, no extra dice roll to freeze :frowning:

Will do a repeat at sufficient range (range factor mul = 1) to make sure on the damage calculation