A build using the too scoops & a jakobs shotgun on Aurelia the baroness.
The reason why I put warning Shot in the build is because you can shoot your sniper before attacking with your shotgun
Shotguns: a Too Scoops for the cryo-element on the gun, A Jakobs shotgun. (Flayer is good because Ammo Consumption)
SMG’s: Fire & Cryo elemental Torrents
RPG’s: Cryo-Phobia
Sniper Rifles: On level vladof snipers (Longnail is good)
Shields: Sham, Moxxi’s Slammer
Class Mods: Celestial Baroness
Oz Kits: Eddie or a Oz kit with Cryo Slam Element
Grenade Mods: Quasar (Transfusion useful)
Thats the Deputy Aurelia Build!