Borderlands - GBX forum backup

Borderlands - GBX forum (partial) backup


This is only a partial backup, meant to hopefully save useful guides and other stuff worth saving from the Borderlands sections of the Gearbox Forums.

If you have a link to a thread from the gearbox forum (e.g.,
you can just take the number at the end, and go to

Have fun!
- 55tumbl

General Discussion
Brick the Berserker
Roland the Soldier
Lilith the Siren
Mordecai the Hunter
Loot and Weapons
Fan Creations

Borderlands 2
General Discussion
Gameplay Discussion
Axton the Commando
Maya the Siren
Salvador the Gunzerker
Zer0 the Assassin
Gaige the Mechromancer
Krieg the Psycho
Loot and Weapons
Fan Creations

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
General Discussion
Gameplay Discussion
Athena the Gladiator
Wilhelm the Enforcer
Nisha the Lawbringer
Claptrap the Fragtrap
Jack the Doppelganger
Lady Hammerlock the Baroness
Loot and Weapons
Fan Creations

Borderlands 3
General Discussion
Fl4k the Beastmaster
Amara the Siren
Moze the Gunner
Zane the Operative
Loot and Weapons
Fan Creations