The website is intended mainly for mod authors, to have a centralized place to record useful technical information about their mods, and more easily detect and avoid possible conflicts.
Mod users may also find some use in this website, for example to find more information about the plot variables set by a certain mod, when editing their saves (to solve issues, or personal preferences).
In consequence, all information on this website is freely visible without having to register/login. But only mod authors have the possibility to login to the website and enter new information.

In the top left corner, you can click on the icons to go the home page, to the list of users/authors, to the list of all mods, or to the help page.
In the top right corner, you will find the login form. Once logged in, you can click on your user name to get to your author page.
In the middle top section, links to the 3 games (LE1, LE2, LE3) direct to summary pages of technical information from all mods entered in the database (for example: all the custom plot bool ranges used by the different mods).

Any feedback or suggestions is welcome. If you are member of the ME Devs discord, there is a dedicated channel (memtech-website) over there. Or you can send me (55tumbl) a PM on discord or nexusmods.
I'm very far from a actual web developer, and don't have that much time on my hands. So things are going to go at their own pace.
Some potential future updates:
- Gameplay: possibility of resolving conflicts by setting the status of a pairs of mods (natively compatible, patched, incompatible, etc).
- Multiplayer: import/export data (csv,json?)
- QOL: more client-side form validations, set user email to retrieve lost password.
- DLC expansions: TLK, mergemod targets, 2DA,..

If you are a mod author, check the current list of users, contact one of the moderators (e.g. via discord or nexusmods) and give them your nexusmods username and ID.
You will receive a link that allows you to set your password, and login to the website.

If you lost your password, the only way to set a new one is to contact one of the moderators (e.g. via discord or nexusmods) and give them your nexusmods username and ID.
You will receive a link that allows you to set a new password.
A possibility to associate an email with the account, and use it to retrieve or change the password may be implemented in the future.

Once logged in, click on your user name in the top right corner, and you will see a list of your mods, and an "Add Mod" button.
Fill the form, including all basic information about your mod (game, name, version, and nexusmods ID). You should also indicate whether your mod includes a DLC component (mount and directory name) or Basegame changes (and to which files).

Yes, and it is recommended to do so: you can already enter your technical data in the database while working on your mod, so as to detect potential conflicts, reserve your plot bool range, etc.
If you don't want to disclose the name of the mod before publishing it, you can simply set the mod name to "Unpublished" and change it later.

If you have a single nexusmods page (and even a single .7z file) for a mod that applies to several games, you should create separate entries in the database here.
For example, a mod with a LE1 and a LE2 component, grouped in a single download, should be set as two separate mods in this database (with the same nexusmods ID).

At the moment, this is not possible.
But there is no particular reason to do so, if there is no technical information (like plot data) associated with the mod, it won't create any conflicts.
You can change the name of the mod to "Deleted" or "Unpublished" and later recycle it for your next mod.

The Plot Data feature concerns both vanilla modifications and new custom ranges used for the various types of plot-related data in the games:
- Plot Bool
- Plot Int
- Plot Float
- Conditionals
- Transitions (and Consequences)
- Quests
Each of these plot elements are defined by an ID number. It two mods create a new element with the same ID, or modify the same vanilla element, there is a risk of incompatibility.
Adding the plot data of your mod in this database helps you avoid unnecessary conflicts with other mods, and helps others avoid unnecessary conflicts with your mod.

You can record the fact that your mod alters some vanilla plot elements. It is generally better to add a comment briefly describing the nature of the alteration.
In the case of transitions and conditionals, this means that your mod changes the definition of a vanilla transition or conditional (e.g. via plotsync). If your mod only changes when a transition/conditional is used, then it should not be recorded in this database.
In the case of Plot Bools/Ints/Floats, an entry should be added in this database if the Plot variable is altered in a way that may affect other mods. For example, a Plot Bool that is no longer set to TRUE after a certain event. Vanilla plot variables that are only read (but not altered) by your mod should not be recored here.

You can record in this database the custom ranges of ID that you are using for new Plot Bools/Ints/Floats, and new transitions, conditionals or quests.
For Plot Bools, it is recommended to use reasonably small values for the IDs (up to around 100,000), since every intermediate ID is kept in the save files.
The range can be a single value (just put Min=Max). The range can include currently unused IDs that you wish to reserve for future updates (but with restraint).
For each plot element within your custom range, you can add a comment and a plot database path (as in LEX Plot Database). This is not required but may be useful to keep track of the meaning of each plot element for yourself, as well as for other modders that work on compatibility with your mod, or even for users with the Save Editor.

If two mods modify the same vanilla plot element, or add overlapping custom ranges, a possible conflict is detected and indicated by a warning icon both on the individual mod pages, and on the summary pages.
You can hover the cursor on the icon to see the mod(s) that conflict with yours.
In some cases, it may not be an actual conflict (e.g. if two mods are designed so as to be natively compatible). If you know that the detected conflict is not a cause for incompatibility, you may indicate this in the comment on your vanilla modification / custom plot range.
In the future, this site may be updated to give the possibility to set the status of two mods (natively compatible, patched, etc) so that resolved/unresolved conflicts can be distinguished.

LE1 to LE2
Some plot Bools/Ints/Floats are imported from LE1 to LE2. These are defined individually in the import functions in LE2. Custom plot variables in LE1 are not automatically imported into LE2.
LE1 to LE3
Plot Bools/Int/Floats are automatically imported from LE1 to LE3, with an offset of 10,000 (plot bool 1200 in LE1 is plot bool 11200 in LE3). But custom plot variables outside of the vanilla ranges in LE1 are not automatically imported to LE3.
LE2 to LE3
Plot Bools/Int/Floats are automatically imported from LE2 to LE3, without offset (plot bool 1200 in LE2 is plot bool 1200 in LE3). Custom plot variables in LE2 ARE ALSO IMPORTED in LE3, so this creates the possibility of conflicts between mods that add custom ranges in LE2, and LE3 plot variables (either vanilla or added by LE3 mods). These kind of conflicts are also detected by this website, and the summary pages for LE3 include data imported from LE2, both vanilla and from LE2 mods.

Some mods function as frameworks, opening up a possibility to be used by other mods. Such mods may rely on plot data, and the question may arise of whether it is the framework mod, or the dependent mod, which should include the relevant plot data. The general answer is that it is the mod in which the plot element is actually defined.
For example, Expanded Shepard Armory (LE2) is set up so that other mods can add new outfits, which are referenced by Plot Bools. These Bools are defined in the Expanded Shepard Armory mod itself, so that mod should include all the data about these Plot Bools.
A different example is Private Message Terminal (LE1), which uses Plot Ints to set the status (unread/read) of the messages. But in this case, those Plot Ints are defined in the dependent mods (like Eclectic Messages). So the dependent mods should include the plot data corresponding to those Plot Ints.