It appears that some of Gaige’s skills may have been changed in the latest patch. Keyword being may. I am currently digging up my old files and records to compare. I will update this thread with more info as I confirm it.
Deathtrap Shock attack has not been touched
Wires Don’t Talk has not been touched, still does not boost DOT
Gaige’s Melee DMG vs Melee-weak enemies has not been fixed
shock and “AAAGGGGHHH!” has not been touched
Shock Storm appears to have been buffed, but I need to test more
I noticed BIG improvements with Maya yesterday, not even knowing anything about the patch, but the Hornet was really melting loaders due to Cloud Kill improvement. I was wondering for Gaige too: Electrical Burn… notably.
Since I’ve been summoned by two people here, here are the screenshots I took while doing some numbers. OP0, no com, no shock relic, no skills except Meylin and SS, 5/5 in the skill.
Pre-Patch. If it’s hard to read, it’s 21000 damage with approx 9000 DoT.
…sort of. The damage on it is improved as @0verload showed, and during a short run I didn’t have it go off at random as often as it used to, but that’s not saying much. It still frequently procs when it shouldn’t, and it’s a drag of a skill with high ranks where the sweetest damage is.
You literally have to walk along the ground for the first 10 minutes to even get a fair number of stacks. I’m not sure I can play Gaige like that, TBH.
The only thing I could find was a COM which boosted DFA by 3, and at 8/5 that Digisplosion doesn’t really impress much on OP8 given that it comes at such a high Anarchy cost.
There might be better ways to offset this which I haven’t thought of, but even high points in Typecast with a Leg Anarchist COM frequently made me lose stacks on an exchange - and there are no COMs which boost both Typecast and DFA unless I’m very mistaken.
It’s early days, but right now I’m still not sold on this skill, the buff notwithstanding.
I still wouldn’t use DFA either. Discord already eats Anarchy when it is called for and I like to keep my stacks as high as my builds would allow me. The unreliable proccing still hurts.
That said, while I still cannot wholheartedly recommend using DFA, atleast now it can be said that its damage does more than a mere tickle. And my Dahl allegiance Gaige will make use of SS for sure.
Currently, on my Jakobs allegiance run (Dahl one hasn’t started yet), I prefarm the gear at cap via a alt. But n the character itself I farm that manufacturers legendary aswell when possible on lower levels. if that is what you mean.
Skill tree is planned beforehand, with COM in mind offcourse. Gives some challenge to the game, not by much, but still.
I don’t have any recorded data for pre-patch LVL 72 Shock Storm, only LVL 61, so I had to do the post-patch at LVl 61 so I can get an idea of how much of a DMG buff it got.
I was thinking more about specific gear you’ll be favoring or looking for, especially since I can never remember which manufacturer makes which COM. Seeing that Dahl makes the Prodigy ones, the planning seems less arduous (^_~)
I’ve been lazy about allegiance runs for Gaige and only done the obvious Hyperion and Maliwan ones, plus a semi-Jakobs version.
(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
Anyone got a sense on how this has all affected the choices between Shock Storm, Electrical Burn, and Wires Don’t Talk?
I took my level 69 (yes, I know - working on it!) Gaige for a spin through the Forge today. I’m running a blue Technophile COM that gives +6 to IO and +5 to… something, anyway.
The patch means IO with the COM does give emergency slagging still (MM for the main part), and EB + sapping Gwen’s Head made short work of shield flesh enemies, although obviously not so much on robots.
Thoughts? I have a leg. Catalyst and Mechromancer waiting for me once I hit 70+, BTW.
Edit: Does Make it Sparkle allow you to use DT to apply slag?