So here it is, Athena’s melee formula.
Final Damage = (Base + Roid) * (1 + Weapon Accessory) * (1 + Omega-Senshu) * (1 + Crit Bonus) * (1 + Cryo) * ( 1 + Blood Rush Dash) * {1 + Clarity of Purpose + Gun Kata + Blood Rush + Com + BAR + Oz Kit + Moxxi Drink}
Bonuses need to be applied as such: 5/5 Clarity of Purpose is 25%, so use .25 in the formula. Simple.
You may have noticed already blood rush is in there twice, that’s because it gets 2 bonuses.
The Blood Rush is the 40% off the card, you get this as long as you’re specced into the skill.
Blood Rush Dash is a 50% multiplicative bonus you get for making a strike from the dash.
So, say your Blood Rush Dash is on cooldown and you melee an enemy, you still are getting the 40% additive but you’re no longer getting the 50% multiplicative. Got it? Cool beans.
Now the rest of the breakdown.
Start at the base damage and roid.
Base: 20 * 1.1^level, example at level 40: 20 * 1.1^40 = 905.185
Roid: Simple, add in the roid damage of the shield.
Here’s the good stuff, the multiplicative bonuses.
Weapon Accessory & Omega-Senshu: Take the percent directly off the card. If a com adds to Omega-Senshu, use the new percent.
Crit Bonus: 100%
Cryo Bonus: as long as an enemy is either frozen or receiving a cryo dot, you get a 250% bonus
Blood Rush Dash: This is the 50% you get for landing the dash.
And last the additive bonuses.
All of these are pulled directly off the card. Again, if Clarity of Purpose or Gun Kata get boosted by a com, use the new percents. Blood Rush is the 40% you always get. So say you have 5/5 in Clarity of Purpose, 11/5 in Gun Kata, 40% for Blood Rush and 45% Blademaster Com, the total additive bonus is (1+ .25 + 1.1 + .40 + .45 = 3.2)
So, lets try an example.
Base is 2347.817
Roid is 1630
5/5 Omega-Senshu = 35%
Blood Rush and Dash both proc
5/5 Clarity of Purpose = 25%
11/5 Gun Kata = 110%
Blademaster Com = 45%
No Oz Kit, BAR, Moxxi Drinnk or Crit bonuses are applied.
The formula should look like this:
(1630 + 2347.817) * (1+.35) * (1+.50) * (1+.25+1.1+.45+.4) = 25776.254
Let’s do some comparisons. Say you hit the mother load of melee strikes, everything from the previous example plus bladed gun, max melee oz kit, and you land a crit. No BAR or Moxxi Drinks though cuz those are for nerds.
Anyway, here’s the numbers with a couple different shields, all shield carrying Maliwan parts (max roid).
Level 50 Shooting Star
(107,460 + 2347.817) * (1+1) * (1+.35) * (1+.50) * (1+.50) * (1+.25+1.1+.45+.4+.685) = 2,591,615.470
Level 50 Avalanche
(81,986 + 2347.817) * (1+1) * (1+.35) * (1+.50) * (1+.50) * (1+.25+1.1+.45+.4+.685) = 1,990,394.040
Level 26 Shooting Star
(10,910 + 2347.817) * (1+1) * (1+.35) * (1+.50) * (1+.50) * (1+.25+1.1+.45+.4+.685) = 312,902.711
Level 50 Purple
(10,236 + 2347.817) * (1+1) * (1+.35) * (1+.50) * (1+.50) * (1+.25+1.1+.45+.4+.685) = 296,995.384
There ya go.
Ok bye.