High Five...You've earned it!

Got the idea for him online and thought, “Holy crap! I have to make him!”

wub wub wub


What did you use for the body, eye, and wheel? Thinking that a Claptrap would be a useful addition to my office…

Body was a garbage can with a push button, spring release lid (which is still functional).

Eye was one of those little click lights from Walmart. I just painted it. I just left it unlit because it still looked cool and I didn’t want to keep buying batteries :smile:

The wheel was made from stiff construction paper and a lot of gorilla tape. It wasn’t originally supposed to be structurally stable to have him sit on it, but that gorilla tape tightened that thing up pretty good.

To keep him propped against the cabinet, I fastened a steel bracket to the back of his, uh, head. And slapped a couple of pretty strong magnets on it. He’s not going anywhere.

Biggest tip: be very careful when painting. Unless you’re going to sand down the whole can, the paint will be very delicate, especially before it sets. That part got pretty frustrating at times.

But he turned out pretty well!


This is pretty rad, @Duke3D! Passing along to the team. :slight_smile:

Agreed, and thanks for the info @Duke3D - think I might make this a spring break project with my daughter! (Especially since she wants to get into prop making for cosplay and theatre)


Make sure to post pics!