I haven’t even found a purple adaptive shield yet. I’ve been running a Haymaker for the higher shield capacity at the moment because the Reogenator has such as low capacity. Other than that, I’ve only seen white adaptive shields unfortunately.
There is no best I’d say. Depending on parts, you either get a huge capacity, a super fast recharge delay, a nicely high recharge rate, a nicely high resistance or a huge HP boost at the cost of all the other specs being low.
Maliwan parts will result in the highest resistance but the capacity and recharge rate will suck.
Anshin parts will give the highest capacity but the resistance will be the worst etc.
Which factor is most important to you for your purple adaptive shield?
So in your mind, what is the best compromise you have seen. Basically the highest combination of capacity recharge rate and delay as well as resistance.
I’m thinking that resistance is probably the least important especially if you have at least one point in the skill like hazmat to offset the different percentages
The resistance is not damage resistance it is elemental resistance and there is a clear difference I believe
The Hippocratic shield that I posted in the original post is close to ideal except for a lousy delay.
I agree with whoever said, best is completely subjective.
However, there is one part that probably everyone can agree on. The higher the elemental resist, the better. Since I always go for high health builds, the higher the HP boost the better.
Though a high recharge delay is definitely a major bust, even if it has high resistance and HP buff.