Bottled Courage

Have they fixed the bug where Bottled Courage doesn’t work because you have a mod that enhances it? It doesn’t appear so but thought I’d ask in case I missed it.

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They need to fix this for realsy! My Nisha is pretty tanky without it with law and order, but it would be just icing on the cake.


When are you going to do somehting Gearbox…Answer us, please…><

I just hopped in and gave it a quick test. It looks like it’s working fine to me

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If it is working, it was probably one of the things fixed a couple days ago.

Have you tried with the Celestial Lawbringer Mod ? It doesn’t work for me, the icon (the bottle) isn’t showing when my action skill is cooling down.

I don’t have one of those so I have no idea, sorry.

Still doesn’t work for celestial lawbringer, or the purple desperado I, really dumb. (both were checked. While solo, and found today. Did not test passive skill, just noticed the icon came up for all class mods but the aforementioned. )