Bomber Oz Kits bugged?

Are Bomber Oz Kits prone to bugging out sometimes? I have an Oz kit which has a 34% chance of giving me a free grenade when airbone, but I just chucked grenades in Concordia while airborne for over 15 minutes without getting a free grenade once. This goes beyond “random is random”.

I had a Bomber oz kit with a smaller chance of free grenades before, but I quick-swapped it with the better one (that I’m currently using) by holding E. Maybe it’s related?

I’m using the Doppelganger. No grenade-related skills as of yet.

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I believe the Doppelganger is bugged with these kits.

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Soz For Reviving this BUT after some looking it turns out that Jacks Marginal Benefit and Claptrap Grenade Vent changes the “grenade throwing animation” which in turn makes the bomber OZ kit not work.

Speccing out of those skills makes bomber work as intended.

Kinda dumb imo that the only two chars with grenade dmg boosts dont work properly with bomber oz kit but oh well.