So, I’ll be editing this over time.
This is a elaboration of this thread as it pertains to Zer0.
I was thinking we should create a 50 pointer list of the best tips as to staying alive in UVHM (if we can’t get to 50, we’ll go up to whichever number we work our way up to).
Unlike the general list, this list can be centralized around the design of the character, and therefore can speak on specific builds as well as a moderate degree of item loyalty.
- Please add a tip and a suggestion as to where it should be in retrospect to all the other tips.
-This list will be numbered in order of importance, so if there is no consensus on the position of the tip, it shall be placed on the tail end. - Avoid tips that are too alike to previous tips.
- Avoid tips that would allow for no personal influence on a build
- Tips as to important items to own are welcome.
- Tips as to common mistakes to avoid are welcome.
Lets begin!
- Do your best to time the counter on Decepti0n, especially when working with allies.
- You can use Deception as an escape tool too!
- Decepti0n makes you invisible, not invincible; don’t run into bullets.
- Your decoy is still a physical object. Don’t try to shoot through it.
- Tediore reloads and grenades don’t take you out of Decepti0n. Use this to your advantage.
- Stalkers gone invis? You can too! They glow in Decepti0n.
- Use Deception to get into a prime position to take out high threat targets, like high ground or to get around a congested corridor. Constructors will hate you and your Deception shenanigans.
- The Tw0 Fang skill and Dahl semi auto on zoom is downright nasty.
- Heatseaker rockets can still follow you in Deception.
- Don’t forget the higher the number on the damage card, the better when timing it with the last moment on Deception.
- Survey and remember the battlefield, especially on a Melee Zero. Remember to plan your attacks close to points of cover, choke-points, and exits.
- B0re can mess up a few bosses quickly thanks to hit box layouts.
- B0re is a game changer, but it does take some time understanding. Expect to play around with it and learn the mechanics. There are also useful videos/guides online tailored to specific enemies.
- For maximum B0ring, use a Singularity grenade to bunch foes up or to accumulate a few for some back to back executes.
- Learn how to use ‘Quick Deception’; Quick deception is going into Deception without having to wait for Zero’s arm swing animation to finish. You can do this while in aim down the sight, saving you that precious second and getting you into safely that much faster
- If you’re going for melee, here are some highly useful weapons: Law and Order (shield), Bladed Rubi and Grog Nozzle, and the Rapier. If they come in elements, Slag is the top choice as you can slag before you stab.
- The hit that misses does 0 damage; a steady aim is critical to a Sniper Zero.
- Sniper Ammo can become limited, over consuming guns may have their downsides.
- “Many Must Fall” can be used as a way to score a quick kill and run away while remaining invisible.
- Gain a good grasp of where your melee attack blade ends and where enemy hit boxes are. Nothing is more annoying than back to back whiffs.
- Be PATIENT! 5 seconds is longer than you think.
- Never throw Kunais then do an Execute immediately thereafter. You may be surprised by your own Kunai’s ability to down you!
- When tossing out Decepti0n to line a stealth shot, don’t panic even if you have to wait to toss out another; better late than dead.
- As a Sniper Zero, prioritize the enemies that will rush you. As a Melee Zero, prioritize those who may cause you grief at a distance.
- Execute can fail to make contact, yet you still remain in Decepti0n. Be attentive and hit it immediately afterward if you miss initially.
- When playing a Melee Zer0, your melee animation can be a little misleading. Know where your opponents Hitbox is, and the length of your melee attack.
- You don’t need to aim down the sights to make a sniper rifle effective in every instance, especially Jakobs ones. You can even shoot from the hip, allowing for faster movement.
- You don’t need to cast Decepti0n in to a crowd. You can be miles away from the combat, and still use it’s multiplier ability. If done well, you can even do so without alerting others of your presence.
- Use Decepti0n to lead enemies in to corridors and other narrow spaces which make use of abilities such as B0re, or even tossing grenades.
- Ambush can be particularly useful in group play, as the tank will often be getting much of the hate.
- About to go in FFYL? Don’t toss out a hologram in desperation. If you have weaker enemies around you, choosing to take a knee, and using Decepti0n the moment you get back up may be preferable.
- Powerful Sniper rifle? What is it’s critical damage boost? The damage on the item card may not be the most important aspect to it.
- Don’t toss Decepti0n where your allies are located. Once it fades, you may find the number of people wanting you dead to include your own team members.
- Watch out Elemental Barrels ! Any bullet flying around you could make them explode and put you in FFYL, even if you’re in Decepti0n.
- Some Sniper Zer0’s may benefit from setting their aim down the sights to “hold” instead of toggle, which assists with transitional aiming when deploying Decepti0n.
- Do not be a Decpti0n miser. It just as unwise to save them for sticky situations only, as it is to use them without regard.
- As a Sniper Zer0, don’t always eliminate all of the lesser targets instantly. You’ll regret it if you happen to get in to FFYL.
- Certain enemies have a painfully slow turn speed. It may be wise to use Decepti0n if only to make them languidly turn, buying you plenty of time.
- Some enemies fire in an arc. Throwing Decepti0n behind you, or above you, may still put you in the way of that arc! Recognize their fire patterns.
- Many enemies use AOE attacks. Don’t panic and throw out Decepti0n if they come close. Taking a knee, getting a quick second wind and following that up with a Decepti0n may give you advantage.
(Editing and Ordering Help by @Gulfwulf )