50 ways to keep Maya alive in UVHM

So, I’ll be editing this over time.

This is a elaboration of this thread as it pertains to Maya.

I was thinking we should create a 50 pointer list of the best tips as to staying alive in UVHM (if we can’t get to 50, we’ll go up to whichever number we work our way up to).

Unlike the general list, this list can be centralized around the design of the character, and therefore can speak on specific builds as well as a moderate degree of item loyalty.

  • Please add a tip and a suggestion as to where it should be in retrospect to all the other tips.
    -This list will be numbered in order of importance, so if there is no consensus on the position of the tip, it shall be placed on the tail end.
  • Avoid tips that are too alike to previous tips.
  • Avoid tips that would allow for no personal influence on a build
  • Tips as to important items to own are welcome.
  • Tips as to common mistakes to avoid are welcome.

Lets begin!

  1. Don’t be afraid to dramatically change your build for Maya in Co-Op mode versus Solo.
  2. Phaselock can be a defensive tool as much as offensive. (i.e. lock a Psycho and run for cover).
  3. Always take res if you’re playing in a ream. Also, one point in restoration is enough.
  4. Maya is one of the few characters who doesn’t need to master two trees in order to be very effective.
  5. Converge is a game changer, both defensively and offensively.
  6. Maya is a goddess of Slag, but this may be rendered useless in FFYL. Keeping a slag gun on you may help getting a second wind.
  7. Don’t aim a slag ball at an enemy, instead, aim it slight above their heads if they’re in a group. The further the ball travels, the more chances it has to slag enemies.
  8. If you’re going for an SMG build, don’t be overly loyal to that tool. Tactical superiority may be more important than practical superiority.
  9. You are the soul of the team, perhaps more than any character. Keeping an eye on them, is keeping an eye on you.
  10. If you use a Pimpernel, learn where the sweet spots are on a phaselocked target.
  11. Subsequence is a bad idea in areas with a lot of surveyors. The time the ball spends chasing a surveyor is time not either in cooldown or lock down on a target.
  12. The slag ball can destroy gas tanks, barrels, rockets, and slag piles.
  13. While Blight Phoenix looks cool, it will set off barrels if you get too close.
  14. Match your COM to your skills and playstyle. While the CAT is great for SMGs, the Legendary Siren can be even better due to its cooldown bonus.
  15. Don’t even think about using a bee or an amp shield unless you have at least 5/5 in Ward. Also, don’t expect the Bee to protect you at all. It’s there to increase your damage, not decrease incoming damage.
  16. Try to stay on the perimeter of a fight so you can adjust your tactics as necessary: you can quickly raise a downed teammate, prioritize your targets, or hide if your Bee is down.
  17. Immolate adds more than fire damage while in FFYL, so take it to at least 5/5.
  18. Ranked skills were fixed as of the Oct 29th Patch. Cloud kill can be game changing.
  19. Maya’s self healing (Life Tap, Sweet Release) is only as good as your firepower allows it to be.
  20. Know what your party expects from you. Before they run in guns blazing expecting you to heal.
  21. Subsequence doesn’t instantly Phaselock the next target. It travels through the air and continues to user the timer as it seeks one out. In some circumstances, it may not be a worthwhile investment.
  22. Thoughtlock doesn’t remove any of the usual Phaselock effects.
  23. 6 Million ways to slag, choose one, and by that I mean more than one. Always have a back up.
  24. Aspects that heighten shield capacity, without altering shield regeneration, may be counter intuitive to a Bee-Hawk Maya.
  25. Over-abusing health-gating while Beehawking may lead to some really long nights.
  26. When Lifetap is active, a poor shot, (i.e. shotgun graze) may be superior to an aimed shot for the sake of survival, as it may be enough to trigger a healthgate.
  27. The more partners you have, the more you’ll be expected to change your play style. Maya is the ultimate support character, and they’ll expect that of you (especially if you’re the only Maya).
  28. In situations where you’ll certain to be cornered and surrounded (i.e. OP7 Assassins in Digistruct), Thougthlock may provide you with a critically needed ally.
  29. Maya can obliterate a badass enemy from a quarter mile away, but be horribly troubled by an unseen melee opponent. Remember to prioritize targets according to Maya’s specific weaknesses.
  30. If it can be Phaselocked it can be Thoughtlocked.
  31. If you’re running a build that depends on Thoughtlock, remember that certain enemies (such as Surveyors) will go so far as healing you. Inversely, they won’t stand still if you’re trying to shoot them out of the air.
  32. Chain Reaction can turn tight spaces in to meat grinders. Choose where to fight your opponents on the map when using this skill.
  33. A few skills on Maya’s Cataclysm tree scale poorly (such as Cloudkill), this doesn’t diminish the value of Cataclysm as a whole, since even early skills like Foresight actually synergize quite well with certain weapons.
  34. If you find yourself constantly running to different positions to use cover wisely, investing in “Fleet” may be more of a game changer than you think, especially before reaching end game.
  35. Maya has many skills that can heal her at a distance without the need for Moxxi weapons. Learn not to be overly reliant on them.
  36. Nurse Maya may read like a “Team only” build, but it has been used to great effect in single player as well.
  37. 5/5 on restoration isn’t absolutely necessary (consider opportunity costs), do tests with your team to see how fast you can get them back on their feet.
  38. Remember, restoration doesn’t only allow you to heal. It also raises your Health, this can be critical in OP8, but must be considered when using Health-gating strategies.
  39. Maya’s ability to fight at a distance doesn’t mean you should stay in a single spot for long. Enemies can converge on you, and the battlefield is ever changing.
  40. If you’re dependent on a certain kind of Ammo (especially for Cat Builds), a Blood of the Ancients Relic can be critical, and they are not particularly difficult to come by.
  41. Enemies with reflective capabilities can be a headache for Maya (such as PWR Loaders), remember to Phaselock them in order to nullify this. If they cannot be Phaselocked, timing and positioning will be critical, saving them for last may be necessary.
  42. Phaselock is a commodity. When the enemy is pressing you greatly, it may be best to reserve it for Res only circumstances in teamplay.
  43. Inversely, when you have the initiative, don’t be afraid to be generous with Phaselock as it may work well with other character’s abilities (i.e. Bloodsplosion, Anarchy).
  44. If timed perfectly, enemies can remain in a relative Stunlock between instances of Phaselock, and singularity grenades. Especially if your build has an impressive cool down rate.
  45. Maya can be quite the ammo consumer, items that replenish ammo, or are ammo efficient should be kept in the inventory.
  46. When using 1 player mode, don’t forget that going to your inventory pauses the game momentarily. This will allow you to go from full incendiary builds, to full corrosive builds, allowing for maximum output and a variety of specialized weapons.
  47. The above can further be used when attempting to run from one beset upon position to a safer one. Switch that Bee over for a Sham (or another defensive shield), and find a better position.
  48. Phaselock may make the enemy critical point difficult to find. Starting off with a shield stripping shot, followed by a Phaselock, may make a big difference.
  49. Powerful enemy (i.e. Constructors) can’t be Phaselocked? If you invested in Ruin, Phaselock can be read as “Instant Slag Tool” making it just as critical as a Phaselock, (especially if the enemy reflects).
  50. Many of the above tips are specific to a certain Maya build (or team play). To make implementing them easier, select the ones that apply to you and make a separate list.

Always take res if you’re playing in a team. Also, one point in restoration is enough.
If you use a Pimpernel, learn where the sweet spots are on a phaselocked target.
Ruin is very effective.
Subsequence is a bad idea in areas with a lot of surveyors. The time the ball spends chasing a surveyor is time not either in cooldown or lock down on a target.
The slag ball can destroy gas tanks, barrels, rockets, and slag piles.
Don’t aim the ball at an enemy, instead, aim it slight above their heads if they’re in a group. The further the ball travels, the more chances it has to slag enemies.
While Blight Phoenix looks cool, it will set off barrels if you get too close.
Match your COM to your skills and playstyle. While the CAT is great for SMGs, the Legendary Siren can be even better due to its cooldown bonus.
Don’t even think about using a bee or an amp shield unless you have at least 5/5 in Ward. Also, don’t expect the Bee to protect you at all. It’s there to increase your damage, not decrease incoming damage.
Try to stay on the perimeter of a fight so you can adjust your tactics as necessary: you can quickly raise a downed teammate, prioritize your targets, or hide if your Bee is down.
Backdraft is only useful if you’re fully specced as a melee Maya. If you’re not going to commit to using melee, don’t put any points in it.
Immolate adds more than fire damage while in FFYL, so take it to at least 5/5.
Rank skills (Helios, BP, etc.) aren’t usually worth the points.
Never, ever, ever, take cloudkill. It did terrible damage in NVHM and it scales as poorly as other rank skills.

Updated to include Gulf’s additions so far.

Check the listing Gulf, and see if they’re poised well in terms of order.

Life Tap and Sweet Release are your friends

Maya has some of the best self healing capabilities in the game. However, this healing is not good if you don’t have the damage to back it up.

I feel as though these comments can be molded in to one concise comment.

Would it be safe to say;

“Mayas self healing (Life Tap, Sweet Release) is only as good as your firepower allows it to be.”

Fair bundling of those two points?

It’s really just Life Tap that has that issue, because it’s a percentage of the damage you deal.

Well, in regards to Sweet Release I was thinking it was more like “make sure you take the bastard down while he is still phaselocked”.

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Then yes, your quote works.

I have a few things to add here I guess

  • Lifetap and inertia can make you nearly invincible. On kill your shield keeps healing even while damaged and lifetap will do the same as long as you keep putting out damage. If you are putting out enough damage you can even tank rockets to the face and just laugh.

  • Shock is your friend. Maya has auto slag pretty much and if you use shock grenades to strip shields you can just match elements (fire on flesh, corrosive on armor) and kill much faster. A good offense is a good defense and this will really increase your DPS.

  • Don’t over banshee. I hate the Breakneck Banshee players that use it all the time and then complain about the game being unfair. That com does nothing for DPS or Survival, only use it to get around a big map fast and then swap coms. BB is terrible for combat.

  • You don’t need the bee outside raids and the peak. Antagonist and the Blockade are better for most situations.

  • Balance DPS and Survival. If you have a Legendary cat com and a bee then don’t put 5/5 in all her dps skills. 10/5 in minds eye in accelerate would be better off with 6/5 and use those 8 points for survival. You still have 10/5 in foresight, wreck, and reaper. Sometimes while a legendary siren has less than a legendary cat the extra cooldown and 10/5 ward do a lot to keep you alive. With a bee I would say the legendary siren > legendary cat.

  • Healing skills = DPS, no healing skills and moxxi guns do not. If you have to constantly swap from your DPS gun to a grog and throw a chain lighting everytime you get hit then your DPS drops fast. If you have lifetap instead you can keep shooting with your best DPS guns to heal instead and you don’t loose DPS to heal.

  • Scorn has a lot of utility, you can use it in FFYL (and immolate gets double slag bonus), you can use it to blow up barrels, you can use it to find hidden enemies, it doesn’t draw agro, etc… Scorn can help you survive in many more ways than applying slag. Use scorn because its amazing.

  • Singularities and Transfusions. Even though maya has a singularity with phaselock and transfusions with killing a phaselocked enemies these are 2 of her best grenades. Using the peak as an example Dukino’s mom doesn’t always have something to phaselock or get a kill on, so smartly timed transfusions let you keep hitting her without grog swapping, also in co-op the more healing the better. Singularities like the Quasar are best for fights like the assassins in the peak, in between your phaselock you can toss a few of them and not get hit while you are on cooldown. You can’t never get enough singularity effects.

  • To res or not to res. Phaselock and converge are a huge part of how you stay alive and if you have teammates going down all the time loosing to many phaselocks will cause you to die. Sometimes its better to phaselock an enemy and let your teammate get them selves up on a slagged stationary target, you can revive then the good old fashioned way while you phaselock an enemy, or screw it let the bastards learn a lesson and stop playing like an ■■■■■■■ going into ffly every 30 seconds. Tough love is still love.

  • You have more skill points than gun slots. You only have 4 gun slots so if you have to have a grog/rubi to heal and a launcher for FFYL that leaves you with 2 or half of your weapon slots and you also loose your only grenade slot to a grenade for healing and not DPS. Don’t do this, use her skill tree. Immolate should mean you don’t need a launcher, most good guns will do just fine in FFYL. Ruin and/or Scorn eliminate the need for a slag gun. By building your skill tree smarter you can have a better weapon set ready to take on anything you run into. Maps like Wildlife Preserve have enemies with almost every elemental resistance imaginable so having guns to deal with all those makes everything flow better, less ammo issues, etc…

Thats mostly what I can think of off the top of my head not including general survival stuff and not getting too gear specific outside of some staples like bee and grog.


Hey Derch.

What do you think is more critical, Inertia or Suspension?

Thats hard I try to have both and since they are not in the same tier I don’t think thats an issue. Inertia, even 1-2 points can be the difference between life and death, dots are very dangerous on op levels at least and inertia heals through them. Increasing phaselock time can be huge but not always needed depending on your DPS.

You see mate. I’m having a dilemma.

Missus usually goes through the entirety of the Harmony and Cataclysm Tree (good synergy with those two).

Then invests the rest on Motion. So, a build with both Ruin and Scorn, but also Converge.

Any advice you can give us on good investment for that tree?

Here’s my personal build if it helps, centered around the Legendary Siren.: http://bl2skills.com/siren.html#155001400055055000502551501511


Thats my build with the legendary siren

To do a bit better than posting it the reasons I have skills that are not 5/5

  • To start I mainly play co-op and op8.

  • Ward and accelerate. Since I have a com that puts +5 to both of these I want to get those free 10 points but I also don’t want to put more than 5 points in tier one since I’m hitting 2 other capstones and I want to get to more skills in this tree that would be a waste of points to put any more than 5 points in tier one. So 4 to ward and 1 to accel because I’m using 2 pimps, a twister, and a bekah, none of which love bullet speed increase. I still put the one in it because 6 points don’t ruin these guns and the bonus base damage is really helpful.

  • Inertia, the only reason I don’t have more is I ran out of points.

  • Mind’s Eye and Sweet Release are similar to Ward and Accel, but this time only ME is boosted. I only put one it in because I don’t need the extra 4 points of DPS and putting those points into survival increases my DPS more than more critical hit damage would. I only put 4 points in SR because again so many skills I wanted in this tree. Many would say pull a point from Sustenance but I remind you DOT damage and OP8 is a real thing and Sus is one of the best anti dot skills.

  • Restoration, well 1 point is enough. I can heal my teammates to full with a single shot from the pimp, bekah, or twister. Why use more

  • Lifetap, I have 3 because of how health to damage scales. Lifesteal gets better with every level and more points are not needed in op8. So those went else where to max my survival.

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Cheers mate. Quick question; why such an investment in Immolate?

Hmm. I’ll definitely keep a lot of this in mind. I’ll show this advice to the Missus, see if we can integrate it to fit her plays style.

Immolate multiplies your FFYL damage by 50% and also adds fire damage to it. It’s actually a great skill, and there are Raid builds centered around Immolate abuse.

Hmm. Clever!

I like it.

The only problem with that build (called the Deal with the Devil build) is that it’s only good for raids, because it involves dropping your max health to zero and trying to kill the boss before they can attack you. So it is extremely risky, and not good for this guide.

Because Immolate is crazy, pretty much treat it as a total splash damage

I’ll show it and see if it is a bit more clear, 100 for gun damage and all the buffs from this build on a flesh enemy and a fire gun.

100 x (1 + 18% + 39%) x 2 x (1 + 30%) x (1 + 40%) x 175% x 3% = 3,000

Now Immolate takes your final damage and gets the fire and flesh and slag bonus again.

3000 x (50%) x 1.75 x 3 = 7,875

So your total damage on that shot is now 10,875.

So its not nearly as good on armored enemies of course but its still amazing and well worth 5 points.