Still in True on my Nisha, but going back and playing my 72 Gaige on BL2, and I had forgotten how controller hurlingly frustrating it is.
All decked out with Anarky, fully buffed deathtrap, legendary roboteer classmod, flame of the firehawk, slag shotgun, corrosive sniper, etc, etc, best stuff I can find.
Doesn’t matter, still takes ALL of my ammo and like 30 seconds to kill anything (because EVERYTHING IS ARMORED plus health regen), and despite buffing my shields and health as much as I possible can, everything kills me in two shots still, so I can’t even survive long enough to build up Anarky stacks to even out the damage difference.
From what I’ve read, it’s just an increase in health and damage resistance without the health regen. BAs are more BA, but it’s not nearly the challenge BL 2’s UVHM was.
I found tps UVHM much easier than in bl2. Watch out for Badasses, though - they live up to their names. Cryo is your friend where Badasses are concerned
this after my first run (literally) into a mob in BL 2, NVHM and TVHM in BL 2 you could run into the mobs and mop the floor with them, UVHM you have to use a different strategy then what you used the first 2 play throughs
I guess it depends on one’s definition of “Ultimate” badass mode. TPS is definitely easier than BL2 for the third playthrough, but at the same time, your experience in BL2’s UVHM doesn’t sound familiar, so I can’t say that you won’t also have a hard time in TPS’ UVHM.
…need to define some calibration points to be able to compare the two.
BL2’s end-end OP endgame is quite challenging, but it also had that insane tediousness to it on having to re-farm so many times. I do like a good challenge, but man that farming got nuts, and being limited to a few pieces of “must have” gear killed some variety.
TPS endgame may of not of been as challenging, but having more gear options open made it feel more enjoyable. It felt better balanced overall.
I don’t really find the XP bad. I’m going through uvhm now with Aurelia and just hit R&D and I’m level 55. Also I’ve skipped almost all side quests but I did do the dome once.
I think its the opposite, they run by the trash mobs and focus on quest XP and ba enemy XP. The mistake there is that all the small XP adds up to big numbers. Kragons for example are great XP because there are so many per mob
TPS seems much more casual friendly to me. Legendaries showing up in vending machines, moonstones more prevalent than eridium, and UVHM seems to be a natural progression in difficulty, instead of BL2’s jump, which felt like a slap in the face with a petrified porcupine . . . that was on fire.
I grew to like BL2’s UVHM, though, and the OP stuff. And I find that I’m liking TPS’s UVHM for different reasons.
In my opinion is better TPS than BL2, it is difficult and you have to worry about the badasses (a lot), but you can still maintain your playstyle intact, and that’s the most important thing compared to BL2 (I dont like switching weapons in the middle of a fight so having to slag an enemy and then kill him with another weapon like in BL2 was pretty annoying).