Gun name chart?

Is there a chart around that shows how a gun is named (not the prefix)? I have heard it depends on the guns barrel. Is there a chart that shows how the guns get named? (Like what makes a Hulk a Hulk and an Anarchist an Anarchist etc.)

It does depend on the barrel but I don’t know of any charts. I’d like to see one as well.

I can work on a chart like that. I did one with the accesory prefixes.


That would be awesome!


Are the tables from bl2’s wikia wrong?

But wiki tables are less badass than mine :dukejk:

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Good enough reason to make a new one I guess… specially if all the text were in psycho-dialog.

For further reference xD

@nissanzaxima Here’s one for the prefixes: The X’s badass Weapon Prefix guide

[quote=“xmngr, post:3, topic:672594, full:true”]I can work on a chart like that. I did one with the accesory prefixes.[/quote]I did an MSWord chart doc for the entire thing – both prefixes and barrels – awhile back.

I’m doing one pretty similar to the prefix guides.
Pistol done, SMG on the works.

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