I’ve been running around enjoying playing Maya and collecting gear at l72 but have gotten to the stage where I’m looking for a greater challenge. I’ve just leveled to OP2 and upgraded things like my Antagonist, Florentine and The Bee, but am looking for advice / suggestions from those who have done it on what recommended strategy to use to get to OP8 (I figure once I’ve started I may as well go all the way!). Specifically I’m wondering whether players reset all quests every two or three levels to get Uniques such as the Pimpernel, or just bit the bullet and plough through the OP levels just grabbing gear along the way.
Staple items which have gotten me this far include:
L72 DPUH (with Antagonist)
L72 Crammed UH (with The Bee)
L1 Impetuous Florentine (my go-to weapon)
L72 Barking Pimpernel (Corrosive)
L72 Expeditious Thunderball Fists
L1 Antagonist
L1 Blast Proof The Bee
L72 Leg Siren (49% Cooldown, 33% Gun Damage)
L72 Chain Lightening
L65 Bone of the Ancients (Shock 34%, Cooldown 40.0%)
So far the above is all I have used. In addition I have the following in my backpack:
L72 MM (haven’t really needed)
L72 Homing Bonus Package
L72 Bone (33% Fire, 39.8% Cooldown)
L71 Bone (30% Corrosive, 37.4% Cooldown)
L2 Nifed Sawbar (will be sorry to lose that one!)
L1 Breach Veruc
L71 Attack Veruc (Shock)
L72 Slippery Kerblaster
L72 Resolute Blaster (Corrosive)
L72 Sapping Scorpio
L72 Tactical Hornet
L71 Punitory Pyrophobia
L72 derp Duuurp! (4M damage)
L72 Potential Heartbreaker
L72 Potential Facetime (Corrosive)
L71 Quality Avenger (Shock, keep for novelty value)
L72 Apt Hellfire
L72 Social Plasma Caster (Corrosive)
L71 Sapping Sand Hawk (Shock)
L1 Dobby White Death (Slag)
L72 Fashionable Volcano
I appreciate most of these apart from the Relics will likely be binned. Will be sad to see some go especially things like the Thunderball Fists which took me forever to get. But I’m a little nervous about attempting the next OP Levels without a Pimp or the TF as they’ve single-handedly dealt with all the bots and Surveyors. The Antagonist and Florentine are easy to replace, of course.
So what do people do mostly? Reset the quests to upgrade e.g. the Pimps periodically? Or can you recommend other gear to get for the higher levels? I’ve no problem doing all quests again and will definitely do it when / if I get to OP8 to get the right gear in the right flavours I want (set of Pimps, definitely!).
Sorry for the long list but wanted to get it all in there to give you an idea of my playing experience. Appreciate any advice