[Guide] Non-Red Text Gear Worth Using (Updated to Claptastic Voyage)


Maliwan Sniders
Snider vs Volcano

  • How Does it Compare to unique/legendary: The magma has lower damage and higher splash than Snider. (Volcano 80% Snider 50%) They do almost the same damage,except on a crit, where only base damage gets boosted,which allows Snider to deal more damage.Snider can also come in all elements unlike the Magma.

  • Parts:
    Grip Maliwan/Jakobs
    Stock Dahl
    Accessory Damage

Vladof Droog
Droog vs Longnail

  • How Does it Compare to unique/legendary: Droog deals much more damage than Longnail and if you are not fighting enemies with very strong shields Droog is no doubt a better choice.

  • Parts:
    Grip Vladof/Jakobs
    Stock Dahl/Vladof

Jakobs Muckamuck
Muckamuck vs Skullmasher
Muckamuck vs Plunkett

  • How Does it Compare to unique/legendary: While Skullmasher has higher damage on the gun card you have to consider that at least 4 pellets have to hit for Skullmasher to outdamage Muckamuck.This and higher base accuracy make Muckamuck better for long range encounters.
    Compared to Plunkett,Muckamuck has higher magazine size and much greater fire rate. This makes Muckamuck superior in almost all cases.

  • Parts:
    Grip Jakobs
    Stock Dahl
    Accessory Damage


Vladof Anarchist
Anarchist vs Proletarian Revolution

  • Parts:
    Grip Jakobs/Vladof
    Accessory Damage

Torgue Slapper
Slapper vs Fragnum

  • How Does it Compare to unique/legendary: Slapper has faster projectile,more accuracy and 3 times better ammo efficiency than Fragnum for the cost of lower damage.For general play Slapper is more well rounded,but Claptrap can make much better use of the Fragnum.

  • Parts:
    Grip Torgue
    Accessory Damage/Fire Rate

Jakobs Iron
Iron vs Maggie
Iron vs Luck Cannon

  • Parts:
    Grip Jakobs
    Accessory Damage

Maliwan Pistols
Aegis vs Hard Reboot

  • How does it compare to Legendary/Unique: While Aegis has better stats, Hard Reboot’s AoE can prove more useful when facing multiple enemies at once.However, if you want Maliwan pistol in any element other than shock, Aegis is a very solid choice.

  • Parts:
    Grip Maliwan/Jakobs


Tediore Splitters

  • Tediore splitters get 6 beams instead of the usual 3 for other manufacturers.This means Tediore Splitters have higher DPS than Spadroon at no continuous damage stacks and rival Rosie at half continuous damage stacks,while having a better range.

  • Parts:
    Grip Maliwan
    Stock Dahl

Maliwan Blasters
Maliwan Blaster
Maliwan Blaster vs MINAC’s Atonement
Maliwan Blaster vs Thunderfire

  • Parts:
    Grip Maliwan
    Stock Dahl

Hyperion Railgun
Hyperion Railgun
Railgun vs Excalibastard
Railgun vs Mining Laser
Railgun vs Longest Yard

  • How does it compare to Legendary/Unique: While purple Railgun more or less loses in stats against all 3 red text Hyperion Railguns, Excalibastard can only be obtained once per character, Mining Laser is a quest reward and Longest Yard requires Claptastic Voyage DLC.If you can’t obtain any of the 3,purple Raingun is a superb alternative.

  • Parts:
    Grip Maliwan/Hyperion
    Stock Dahl

Dahl Railguns
Dahl Railgun

  • Used for the Dahl burst fire ,which turns them into high powered Blasters.Best suited for classes with skills that boost accuracy or stability.

  • Parts:
    Grip Maliwan
    Stock Dahl


Coach Gun
Coach Gun
Coach Gun vs Striker
Coach Gun vs Flayer

  • Parts:Jakobs Grip Critical Acc. Hyperion Stock
    Grip Jakobs
    Stock Hyperion
    Accessory Critical

Jakobs Quads
Quad vs Striker

  • Parts:
    Grip Jakobs
    Accessory Critical
    Stock Hyperion

Hyperion Thinking
Thinking vs Viral Marketer
Thinking vs Bullup
Thinking vs Company Man

  • Parts:
    Stock Torgue
    Accessory Vertical Grip

Torgue Pounder

  • Parts:
    Grip Torgue
    Stock Hyperion
    Accessory Vertical Grip

Hyperion Develpment

  • Parts:
    Grip Hyperion/Bandit
    Accessory Critical/General Boost

Assault Rifles

Torgue Spitters
Spitter vs KerBoom

  • Parts:
    Grip Torgue
    Stock Dahl
    Accessory Damage/Bullet Speed/Fire Rate

Rocket Lauchers

Vladof Vanquiser
Vanquiser vs. Mongol

  • Parts:
    Grip Vladof
    Sight Vladof
    Exhaust Torgue
    Accessory Damage

Scav Launcher
Launcher vs. Thingy
Launcher vs. Badaboom

  • Parts:
    Grip Bandit
    Exhaust Vladof/Bandit
    Accessory Damage/Fire Rate


Scav SMG with Scav Barrel
Scav SMG with Scav Barrel
SMG vs. Marek’s Mouth
SMG vs. Meat Grinder
SMG vs. Fast Talker

  • Parts:
    Grip Bandit
    Stock Dahl
    Accessory Damage/Fire Rate

Maliwan Barreled Maliwan SMGs
Maliwan Barreled Maliwan SMG
Maliwan Barreled SMG vs Hellfire

  • Parts:
    Grip Malwan
    Stock Dahl
    Accessory Damage/Fire Rate

Jakobs Irons
Jakobs Muckamucks
Scav SMGs
Maliwan aegis with Maliwan barrels
Hyperion thinking
Hyperion development
Torgue spitters
Torgue pounders
Torgue ravagers
Scav launchers
Vladof launchers
Dahl rail guns

Why dahl rail over hyperion? I would think the 100-120% crit would out weigh the penetration effect.

Its not about penetration. the burst kinda negates railers slow fire rate. Makes them into high damage blasters.

Hyperion railers should be there too.

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Tediore Railgun.
Hyperion guns with Scav parts.

I don’t need anything like that…I am already copying from a list you made in old forums few moths back.

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Alright, what kind of help do you need then ?

Few questions for shotgun specialist:

What accessories are considered to be the best for quad barrel Hyperion shotguns? Crit./Gen. Boost?

For Thinking,Vertical grip because of their good acc.,low pellet count and almost no recoil?

Vertical grip>Gen. boost,Side loader>others for Ravager?

Depends on who you’re playing in most cases, so let me break it down a bit

Developments in Athena’s hand are there to abuse and maintain Maelstorm stacks, so they need to do as many instances of individual shock damage as possible. On BL2-skin Development, the vertical grip, with it’s 2 extra pellets and faster fire rate, would be the best choice since it already has the best accuracy in quad barreled shotguns and can cope with the loss, and in many cases are used to shoot at very large targets) See here for details

Used by other character, I would recommend either crit boost (especially with Nisha) or the general boost. That little mag size increase may be enough to give you one extra shot without making your reload speed longer. General boost may be a bit better than Side-loader, because they already have very fast fire rate, and a damage increase here (instead of a decrease) is welcome.

Using other large Hyperion shotguns, like quads with BL1 skins, the accuracy prefix will give you the best results…but you probably shouldn’t be using them in the first place IMO, as they are ammo hogs.

On thinking, the vertical grip is king. Unless you play as Nisha, where the crit accessory gives it a run for it’s money (both are good… I wouldn’t know what to call the best here). Side loader is also a good 3rd option.

Ravagers are odd birds
Since most will be using them from pretty close range (there is nothing you can do to correct their accuracy, especially since their bullets are slow) the best thing to do is to try and get an extra shot between reloads and to minimize reload time. Side-loader (impetuous) would be my personal choice here, followed by the general boost. (I would need to see actual numbers here, cause maybe they don’t make a difference… so all of this is theoretical at this point) Trying to maximize it’s damage through a vertical grip feels like a drop in a bucket. Conversely, accessories that lower their damage (like the side loader) don’t have that big of an impact. If you find a nice ravager with a vertical grip though, keep it :wink:

Torgue shotguns have less pellets than other brands, but they pack a mean punch. So on bangsticks and pounders, the vertical grip would be my pick.

Generally speaking, triple-barreled shotguns are a bad compromise and you should avoid them.
A pounder or a ravagers are both better choices than a Hulk.


Vertical Grip:
Most Torgue shotguns
Shotguns with a lot of Splash
Never on Jakobs Shotguns.

Critical Accessory:
2 or more Barrels
ALL Jakobs Shotguns.
Never on Torgue Shotguns.

Side loader:
Big Torgue Shotguns.
when you’re not sure what to get, this is still a good pick almost every time

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Also, consider Sniders with a Jakobs grip too.
This game is different and maybe doesn’t need the little extra push it did in BL2, but the Jakobs grip deals more damage, and reload time and mag size are a moot point in a sniper playstyle. (I still prefer Maliwan grip, but Jakobs grip does have merits :slight_smile: )

Thank you!

So I got 2/3 correct.Dunno why some Top Gear threads suggest Casual…

I did,“Maliwan/Jakobs grip”.

I may do grip comparison later,but right now I want to finish this list.

Easier probably, but Impetuous is also just my opinion :slight_smile: (granted, Casual is also just theirs :wink: )

Oops, I missed that (I was just looking at the link for the pic) sorry :smile:

A list of stuff I’d keep

Purple amp shields with all maliwan parts give the highest amp damage fwiw
Purple adaptive shields get recommended a lot for some reason, maybe someone else can fill us in on this

Purple longbow cryo
Purple cryo transfusion

Purple Oz kits: (Arctic prefix preferred, except for cs athena, voltaic is better)
Arctic acrobat
Arctic bomber
Arctic strafing run: somewhat handy vs rk5 for certain classes
Certain Duality kits…
Arctic precision hit

Classmods, very build dependant
Blue vicious blade master
Blue reaping bloodthirster
Blue or purple obliterating cannoness
Blue or purple deadly femme fatale
Blue or purple surging storm

Blue high rolling crapshooter
Blue brutal law enforcer

Blue audacious sapper
Purple audacious sapper
Blue stable roboninja

Blue hightech blaster

Blue The best man

I remember reading a post about a case, where a blue version of a weapon was better than the purple version because of the mag size, but can’t quite remember which one it was.

Not sure why you would keep those…

The crapshooter is now obsolete due to the chronicler of elpis
The Lone star is a great all-around COM, and for specialized builds, the Desperado and Kid COMs are great choices. :slight_smile:

It was my Deputy Nisha build
That was indeed a special case, not worth mentioning in that thread IMO

I completely disagree about Arctic being the best element for Oz kits. I prefer Explosive in nearly every case. I should note that I main a Cryo/Explosive build on both Athena and Nisha, and it’s easier and usually more effective to freeze with Grenades or Guns first, then deal triple Slam damage than to try the other way round.

I don’t think I’d call the Crapshooter obsolete. I still prefer my Lucky Crapshooter over the Chronicler.

The extra ricochet, critical chance and 40 percent critical boost is still crazy. Although it might just be that I find freezing stuff more of a hassle than insta-critting them to death.

it’s the mix of freeze and crit with the same gun that makes it good
Coupled with extra base damage and freeze chance and you get WAY more than the crit boost the crapshooter can give you. Add shield capacity to boot, and I haven,t put on a crapshooter in weeks :smile:

Hmm I didn’t give it much of a try but I was trying more to freeze then explode so maybe I wasn’t using it best.

I’ll give it a whirl using a Crapshooter loadout.

Also, Chronicler boosts Faster 'n You and High Noon, which might be on par with the Critical Damage bonus and Unchained from Crapshooter when you already have +235% from Cryo and Bona Fide Grit.

It really comes down to whether your build goes that far down Fan the Hammer or not.

They are 2 guns I want to submit to your list :

  • Purple Win Win Synergie
    This pistol keeps a very high Base Damage with a very efficient RoF, and the Hyperion accuracy system allow you to land much more Critical than other Pistol, especially at medium and long range :wink:
    Every Build based on RoF and/or Critical boosts could make a very good use of WW Synergies.

  • Purple Practicable Thinking
    Some versions of this Shotgun, with RoF >4.0 and Recharge Delay <3.0, are very effective too, and more over with RoF a/o Critical based Builds.
    Critical Thinking with those kind of RoF and RD are very efficient too, and more at long range when you will still be able to land multi-critical shots faster than Claptrap says “Hello Minions !” :smile:
    They both require a good ammo management and a good ammo capacitor to sustain the best accuracy longer.