Fire Weapons and the Sentinel?

Fire weapons seem to do VERY little damage on the unshielded smaller Sentinel (after you have finally blown away all three shields). I seem to have better luck with shock or Explosive guns once his shield is gone.

The large version is similar…Fire works great on the small enemies surrounding him (once shield is down) but the big guy himself, they seem much less effective.

Take a look at what I am using during the phases and tell me if you think something is more effective


Small Sentinel:
1st Phase Shield…SHOCK…Hard Reboot, Shock Company Man, Shock Hail, Shock Fast Talker
2nd Phase Shield…EXPLOSIVE or SHOCK …Moonface, Torguemada, Hard Reboot, Shock Company Man, Shock Hail
3rd Phase Shield…SHOCK…Hard Reboot, Shock Company Man, Shock Hail, Shock Fast Talker
4th Phase Health Only…SHOCK…Hard Reboot, Shock Company Man, Shock Hail (and this is the one that really puzzles me…why would Fire be less effective??)

Large Sentinel:
1st Phase Shield…SHOCK…Hard Reboot, Shock Company Man, Shock Hail, Shock Fast Talker
1st Phase Health…SHOCK…Hard Reboot, Shock Company Man, Shock Hail, Shock Fast Talker
2nd Phase Shield…EXPLOSIVE…Moonface, Torguemada
2nd Phase Health…EXPLOSIVE…Moonface, Torguemada
3rd Phase Shield…SHOCK…Hard Reboot, Shock Company Man, Shock Hail, Shock Fast Talker
3rd Phase Health…SHOCK…Hard Reboot, Shock Company Man, Shock Hail, Shock Fast Talker

Any suggestions??

Minac’s atonement for teh lulz…god that thing is awful…

For a real answer,
I’m assuming the 2nd one is shock so explosive seems fine as it only has a 0.7 modifier.

Also, WHY NO T4SR that thing is like the best blue weapon evarrrrrrrr
You could see how the volt thrower performs, it’s fairly average as far as launchers go, but if you can get one with a torgue stock and a damage or swappers prefix it might not be terrible.

As far as he goes, maybe he’s an armored enemy, ther are some armored eridians and EOS’ health bar is red regardless of his corrosive weakness.

I’ve not done extensive observation/testing, but I’ve mostly alternated between shock, cryo, and explosive. Corrosive can also be effective on the large form once the shield is gone (except for phase 3). I’ve only had what I’d consider to be a decent fire weapon a couple of times doing this fight, but I didn’t notice it under-performing once the shield was stripped. That wasn’t playing solo, however, and I don’t remember what everyone else was using. (I’m pretty sure there was an Aurelia in the group, though, so the cryo effect from the shard would skew things.)

Thanks fellas…

T4S-r is a good idea but I don’t know if it will outperform the Hard Reboot which is actually very good at shield stripping.

Shock Hail is great if you can get the hang of it.

I have never tried corrosive but I will…I have a Marek,s Mouth and a Corrosive Hail.

Can you think of any other Uniques that would work?

Goal is decent runs with an all Unique loadout…and trying to avoid lasers if possible.

ive killed him with jakobs nisha a couple of times, and hot lead doesn’t get the crazy numbers it usually gets on a flesh enemy in an atmosphere. every time ive ran him with a laser build, I just use a shock splitter for all the phases (except the shock big phase). but this is nisha, so… damage!

Yep…Wilhelm doesn’t put out the hurt like Nisha does…it’s a much tougher fight for him.

Take away lasers…even tougher…

Take away Legendaries…it’s a real challenge!

maybe if you have any level 70 bullpups, try those out. I think they are better than company mans in terms of DPS and ammo efficiency. if you play on xbox 360, im willing to give you a set. all elements with practicable prefixes. (thank god I farmed them while I could) :smile:

Good call on the Bullpups and thanks anyway…I am a PC guy and I also farmed Level 70 versions…THANK GOODNESS!!

I like my Shock Company Man…it may not be as ammo efficient but dat firerate!!

I have a good Corrosive Bullpup.

Volt Thrower is very average in the fight…but it does work decently against shields and you can use ammo from the Rocket pool. Chucks or straight shots seemed to do about the same damage.

take your time. when I did my nisha vs eclipse kill with only white weapons, it was a struggle to deal damage and stay alive. so prioritize health over DPS potential and abuse the sh!t out of overcharge! lol.

if you allow yourself to use purples, a bandit launcher is awesome!

also, gwens other head is a cool pistol. does some good damage and with targeting scope, should be good for driving crits into his tiny face.

meat grinder could be good for big phase, its a little more DPS than the fast talker, but way less ammo efficient.

All of these test are done without skills or bar. I had a Shield of the Ages to survive and an Acrobat Oz kit during the large phase to get near his face. All in TVHM to better survive with similar parted lvl 50 Shooterang’s.

Small Sentinel


Card damage 3734 Shown damage 3734


Card damage 3112 Shown damage 3112


Card damage 3112 Shown damage 3112


Card damage 3112 Shown damage 1867


Card damage 3112 Shown damage 8169

Large Sentinel


Card damage 3734 Shown damage 9335

Card damage 3112 Shown Damage 7780

Card damage 3112 Shown damage 13614


Card damage 3112 Shown damage 4668


Card damage 3112 Shown damage 7780

I have no clue what these multipliers are doing but fire is definitely the best on the red health bar portions of the fight.

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Having used both, my impression is that the hard reboot is better. If you saved the mission (or reset UVHM), Zarpedon’s shock pistol from the chest in her secret room would also be worth trying.

Also, agreed that Gwen’s Other Head is a good choice for the large form, largely because of the critical hit bonus for face shots. (I believe the actual critical spot is the eyes?)

Great analysis.

(scratches his head)

I’m just seemingly not experiencing the good results with fire.

I need to give it another go.

Best high damage Fire GUN that is UNIQUE??? No lasers please…

Fire Bullpup??
Fire Hail (if you can Crit)??
Fire Gwen’s Other Head (if you can Crit)?? I’m thinking Big Sentinel only for this one.

Fire CM bullpup or Octo…your pick

What mission gives the Octo??

Its one of the R&D missions, maybe the one with the destroyer lemme google

Lab 19, so yea the one with the destroyer

Thanks…Lab 19…

Another run of alt farming…oh joy LOL

TPS Octo behaves the same as BL2 Octo??

And you feel damage is very good from it??

Are chucks from it worth a hoot?..or pretty minimalistic?

I would think the two octos are the same, and from my usage of them, they are. damage is ok, but I think you are better off with the bullpup, easier to use and better DPS. the chucks probably aren’t great because I feel like shotguns don’t chuck well in any BL game.

Well you pick the octo because you want a mid-long range shotgun with decent DPS but High DMG per shot, not the throw.

It’s more or less the same as bl2.

Embrace the Octo :sunny: