I was messing around with maya today to unlock vorac when this siren joined out of no where.
it’s strange because i could swear i set the network to online friends only, but he joined none the less (when I checked, is the setting what you want it to be? or what the setting is currently? because the selection is at online friends only, but again, if that’s not displaying what my ACTUAL setting is, then I might have set it to public and not change it back)
regardless of how this person joined, he/she joined and we immediately go to kick@ss.
okay, mainly this person. my build is the standard beehawk. so while I can go through the game quickly because it’s what a beehawker is supposed to do, the pace that this person plays at is beyond phenomenal.
from what i can gather, he/she use hammer buster and maggie. I might have seen shotgun shells from time to time (because of scatter shots), which i can only guess it’s not interfacer, because the bullet pattern don’t match.
the amazing thing is amongst the frantic play of being both the dps AND tank, i rarely saw his/her shield go down past 20%. in fact, most of the time it’s full. now, i know BL is not the most responsive in terms of updating allie information, but health damage is often pretty obvious. anyways, we steamrolled through… well… everything, faster than i would have on my own (meaning, twice the health of enemies, but twice the speed on our part), again, fairly minimal damage taken on his part.
to play at his/her pace, meaning my bee is probably ineffective half the time due to constantly getting hit, but that doesn’t seem to be a problem for this dude. which i can only surmise that he did not use a bee build.
now, at this point, i am beyond amazed due to the fact that: no bee, huge dps, unkillable shield, and weapons that you usually don’t find on a siren
our first death is at vorac himself, but then i went full ■■■■■■ and killed the chief while the shield is on vorac. basically, we wiped. immediately, he put on harold, and what i can only describe as godlike, vorac literally took less than 3 minutes to kill. (not going full retard and kill chielf right away with 95% health and shield transfer also helped)
(okay, maybe that’s exaggeration on the numbers, but the point is, not goinng full retard made the fight easier)
the whole time, i was beyond useless because for some reason, the cchief love to aim lighting at me… faiirly exclusively, meaning no bee for pretty much the whole fight. as i jumped around like a ■■■■■■, vorac was harolded.
this really opened my eyes because it’s completely unconventional. and no, i do not believe this person cheated in any shape or form because of the fluidity of the action and the way i can tell from enemy health. this was just a dood that played unconventional super super good. (well, i don’t know how unconventional, but at least a quick browse through youtube and this forum reveals nothing that this person might have done)
so, smart people of the forum, what did this dood do?
is it a quick charge shield build that keep bee up all the time?
is it a secret none elemental maya that i do not know about?
how was dpuh do so much more damage in the hands of maya?
i must know!!!
(edit: forgot to mention, slag is usually not a problem for beehawker, but this person was using magic missile, so it’s not like he’s breaking game mechanics to reach that torrential dps. however, if the only difference between beehawk dps and other guns was simply slag, then i have played this game all wrong. personally, i use singularity grenade btw, ever since master gee, it’s kind of standard for me to always slot in singularity grenade. anyways, my point is, that’s how i know this person isn’t cheating, because he never played beyond the game’s ability. he’s just playing REALLY REALLY well.)